Sunday, June 27, 2010

SC 2010

amazing speaker during SC 2010 - satisfying my appetit for the Word!

A very lovely closure to the lovely farewell I had with people at 10 Dyas last Friday! I will keep everything that you guys said and the encouraging word in my heart! I pray that the wonderful friendship that was built will grow and the broken relationship with Indriani, Kara and Larrie will be redeemed / repaired.

Goodbye Business, Goodbye Commerce, Goodbye finanical analysing, goodbye forecasting/budget - Huge relief

Father, thank you for the intimate guidance on my every step - you open my eyes, and you're really lead me on to journey that I have never expected, finding lovely friendship that is beyond my imagination! I do love you.

If I fail in being faithful, I know you'll remain faithful.

You who begin the work in me will not stop until the work is complete.

My task is to seek and follow your heart, Jesus - and to grow to know you. I love you.

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