Thursday, June 3, 2010

just flow - no interruption

Lesson with David Swan (Thursday)

Just flow - no interruption
what kills you gotta let your playing flow - without interruption - thanks for reminding me to FOCUS....

When I am focus..there won't be any interruption - (when David is teaching Sonata by Hindemith 1st movement)

Thanks for restoring peace in my heart...there could be zillion things going on my mind, in real life......finding jobs....being disrupted emotionally b/c of other people's view and perception of who I am...... interruption....

and it's when I try hard to seek that one goal I am given, unless I have a teacher who gave me direction and notice what I did incorrectly and gave me kind guidance.....

I wouldn't be corrected so quickly....thank you teacher

Dear Teacher,
It's too interesting to hear from you saying that "if you had that that that when you were young" you would have been a much a better pianist....

You're a teacher who really show me how "good" music can be....and I can't believe that you say that you "could be a much better pianist" implying that you're not good enough....this is unbelievable.

Anyone who have heard you, should agree with me that you're a very good concert pianist/performer....Musician.

I guess....Only a good musician would know how good music can be, and strive to become better

I live in a world where everyone, including myself strive to prove that we're good enough...we're good in whatever that we do....or doing....

It is profound to hear a good musician like you to say that you could be a better pianist if you had "practice a certain way" when you were young...

This is a humbling experience....thank you for modeling, teaching, and correcting, Teacher...

"He who thinks that he has finished is finished. How true. Those who think that they have arrived, have lost their way. Those who think they have reached their goal, have missed it. An important part of life is to keep longing, waiting, hoping, expecting." - Henri Nouwen - Genessee Diary

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