Saturday, November 21, 2009

today and yesterday

Today is such a crappy crappy crappy day in the office. I thankfully accepted this position 10 months ago….but it just bring me right Back at “Square One” just to go over the stupid budgeting and project forecast stuff all over again, which is basically very meaningless.

Honestly, if you walk around the office, you’ll see everybody just sitting there….doing routine things thinking that they’re making meaningful contribution to the world.

And my team…is just a disaster that is NOT cooperative.

Enough of this…Next time, I really need to make good decision, not because of the threatening thoughts that I’m going to run out of money. Or even if that’s so….Stick to your principle and what you have really made up your mind to do.

Waiting and not pursuing my dreams is FAR worst than pursuing and failing. Honestly…I am feeling pretty bad lately, despite all the kind people around me at church or at around the office.

And needless to say…if I have completely made up my mind, I would not have made Justin and Elizabeth confused when I can only help one of them to do something.

Regine, know what you need to do and STICK TO IT!!!!!!

The piano lesson yesterday was SO fabulous!!! It was fabulous when you attract people to come in to check out the piece that my teacher and I were working on. We were focus doing our stuff, but it attracted people. It was wonderful…it should always be like this, instead of advertising what you are doing.

It made an impact…not through the means, but you it just was.

I remembered the first time – I was attracted…
I was having harmony class, and the music in the room next door was SO fabulous, precise and beautiful technically and musically.
My teacher was playing

The 2nd time, I was playing…and that guy whom I had already forgotten his name…swing by.

Yesterday was the 3rd time.

Rachmaninoff – Direction – be intentional to play the important parts - to feed your audience – Audience feels MUCH better when they are Not confused, but know what you Are playing. (The main Theme)

Prelude and Fugue, there has to be some kind of virtuosity in your Fugue David says.
Define virtuosity, David… :P
I am not a dictionary, you cannot expect me to define something…
David did explain what he meant afterwards, but the most important thing I want to remember is

Virtuosity = noble and excellent

Schuman fantasy – I forgot what David asked me to rmb already…

For the 21 years that I had been placed with a piano…last night I PLAYED the piano. Yeah, Play….like I realize yes, having fun with it….music is meant to be FUN!

David was such a Fun teacher…I was glad….

All my blog made him such a dull boring dry person…I hope you will meet him in person!!!

I learn so much!!

Last night, he taught me to … care about my audience … not so much focus about what I am doing, but the impact that I am making and the message that I want to send across. He did not force me to make something happen, he just teach me the right way, and then I learn the right thing, then naturally I grow and mature … with time.

This is a journey… an interesting one.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

In shape - keeping a sense of lightness will help propel you forward

After lesson with David:

Prelude and Fugue in C#+ - Bach WTC I
Keeping a sense of lightness will help propel you forward
Count in group of 4, not 8!!
you're getting slower and slower 'cause you're trying to hold on to all the notes.
Throw them away :) Don't hold on to things
The Fugue part needs to sound a little cocky, or it'll lose it's character. =)
Do not violate the character of the piece - character of the piece, you tell by common sense

Schumann - Fantasy
The wrist movements help to keep up the speed, less fingers plucking

Obey the change of harmony
and the harmonic rhythm, it will make playing Much easier.

I think these golden rules apply to many areas in life too.

David says, it's all combined, you do one thing right...everything will be right.
If I set my heart right...all behavious, mentality will also be right!! :)

Living my name ...

{ahav} a verb. the root of it means Action =)


Doing Artsy things with friends make me feel relax and feel at home:

Regine.grace: purple sheets of loveliness <3 singing&dancing, ballet, craft, acting (ppl's confidence/sensitivity), u guys, BBS

Thanks Kaarina and our girl's group for having our once a month BBS last Sunday, I feel so encouraged and uplift by His word and our bonding.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Inspiration from Piano classes

Today ... after work
I'm glad to meet So many new friends since I started working at Rogers. Taking the bus to Mississauga ... all the new friends that I made taking buses, all the things you girls share with's my privilege to hear all that you shared with me =)

Last Thursday ...
Regine Leung
David described the counterpoint in Hindemith's sonata #2 as the "density of thoughts" so rather than, the dynamic ... it's the "density of thoughts" (when 2 or more melodies that are harmonically interdependent playing together) that make the music exciting... --> when things get along enriching one another…when things are logical and make sense =) … the density …

2 Thursday ago ...

Regine: diff. voices in a fugue, clear, easy to understand, meaningful, consistent, unify & logical =) .sound never heard

Grace - Thank u Teacher - natural response as a result of doing right things, right - "The integration of head, heart and hands."

Friday, September 4, 2009

When the Sun is shinning upon you

The weather is so fine all through the week, I feel so warm and comfortable when I'm walking or sitting on the bus and feel that the sun is shinning upon me...directly on my face.
MSN - Regine.Grace [they open a door and enter a world] - 1 more day...the glaciers and the winter land
... One more day, it'll be Joanna and Jeremy's wedding
.......One more day, I'll get to see my little cousin Zuroon (who's now very big) and my uncle and auntie who live in Vacouver, then my family will be off sailing to Alaska.

I am feeling very excited about this!
Piano Lesson with David -
Truly ... the time you spent getting to know people better is indescribable ...
when people open up themselves because we build trust over time ... it is not only precious, but also delicate.

"listen to the inner voice"
"the best muscian that I know, all of them are very good listeners"

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

children book =)

p. 87 "The quickest way you can help him is by going to meet Aslan," said Mr. Beaver, "once he's with us, then we can begin doing things."

p. 52 "Logic!" said the Professor half to himself. "Why don't they teach logic at these schools? There are only three possibilities. Either your sister is telling lies, or she is mad, or she is telling the truth. You know she doesn't tell lies and it is obvious tha tshe is not mad. For the moment then and unless any further evidence turns up, we must assume that she is telling the truth."

p. 117 And Lucy felt running through her hat deep shiver of gladness which you only get if you are being solemn and still.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Reading - The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia

The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia
by Samuel Johnson

"Telling how Rasselas and his companions escape from the bland pleasures of their perfectly happy valley in Abissinia to Egypt, to study how people live, the book is a parable and a pilgrimage in which all manner of subjects are discussed - flying machines, poetry, marriage, madness. Rasselas embodies Dr. Johnson's most powerful and heart-warming qualities: his tragic sense of life, his justice, his wisdom which is never boring or solemn, and his miraculous ability to balance humour with sympathy in weighing up some of life's more mysterious problems - what is happiness, and how can we find it?"

Thanks Elton for sharing the books =) There are so many passages that are worth remembering... here is one of them.

p. 124
"Nor was much satisfaction to be hoped from their conversation: for of what could they be expected to talk? They had seen nothing; for they had lived from early youth in that narrow spot: of what they had not seen they could have no knowledge, for they could not read. They had no ideas but of the few things that were within their view, and had hardly names for any thing but their cloaths and their food ..."

I'm thankful...for my teachers & friends who opened my eyes and enlightened my heart.

Monday, July 27, 2009


thank you to our parents and the CSC -

Yesterday I was telling my mom how nice it's to see the CSC (the parent-generation at our ch.) who all age so gracefully and their character that's got to develop through time. Looking at how they serve, knowing their character, and admiring their elegant appearance, I aspire to become like them. Their trust-worthiness and their wisdom give me much hope. They redefine the meaning of aging! =)

I wasn't going to blog this if I didn't see this in 1 Corinthians 16:16 (the Message) -
"I want you to honor and look up to people like that: companions and workers who show us how to do it, giving us something to aspire to."

Monday, July 20, 2009


music is so expressive because it's a language beyond words. =)

well, yah...


I had my first student taking RCM exam and got 81 in Gr. 5. Relief! :)


Green light, go! =)

- no cruise to Greece
- better study schedule
- we can go to San Francisco and L.A. to visits friends! yeah!


I'm called to be a better communicator - be clear =)


Aaron ate a whole can of Sardines at church yesterday during tea of his regular dietary habits..... it's so amusing to see him....and appreciate how uniquely Father created each one of us to be.....I truly truly love people at DMBC who just freely, genuinely be who they are created to be ... who have a very balanced life style and served whole-heartedly

Ian's - Collecting traveller-size personal hygiene items for Eva's place
Elizabeth - practical, detail oriented and always put her visions into actions (children play group)

I love you guys!

It just totally brings me joy!!! ^_^


I decided to be punctual at work starting tomorrow! Even that means waking up VERY early in the morning. And to be more neat and tidy and organize to please my parents! :) They have tolerated me for 26 years. I love you and I'll change!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Extraavaganza Mercredi

without you girls...

without Kaarina's bible study

I don't think I'll be able see what I see, feel what I feel and have the Fun and Joy that I have experienced =) When we laugh at an inside joke about another inside joke, the origin of which we've already forgotten.

Dear Heavenly father Lord,

Thank you for giving me light to see better, opening my eyes to see wider, my heart to feel deeper and my arms to grasp tighter ...

this is a really cool experience!


.... la semaine prochaine, nous allons manger au restaurant Le Montmartre!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

sure! {Steadfast} - au mon coeur . refreshes Every day!

Lesson with David -

"but...clever enough to make use of what she has" - a small pianist who's able to play a piece that requires a lot of energy.

on Schumann's fantasy "balance of form and details (crazy speed and details)"

on Haydn's Sonata 2nd Movement - he's not convince what direction I'm heading to

"If you're sure, your listener will be, also! =) it's definitely getting better, but it's not strong enough to compel / convince."

Require more consistency to convince the direction of where I am heading!

~ thank you teacher ^__^

End of class ... at 9:40 p.m. Harmony/theory class is still going on...

David said jokingly, "Peter never gives up!!" hehe, I'm glad there is this great teacher who NEVER give up!!!!


I was wandering....bored like crazy everyday going to matter how hard I try / to remind myself that I need to do a good job....I was lost, and bored

I was happy to go without getting piano lesson, just like last week...Canada's Day and lots and lots of fun being on vacation..... but.........
what I get out of having piano class, learning to play the piano and to perform.......just gives me So much meaning and sense of stability!!!

I can only say thanks!!


Ok, I hope I can get up for work tmw!! and..........I don't want to disappoint my teacherS!

I love you!! Kaarina, Peter, David, Yum, Mommy, Daddy, Sai Lo!!!! Muah!

In the past 2 weeks:

Herman leaving
Summer Conference
Emily (muuah!!! =)
Lucas Family leaving
Bumped into Steph
Dinner with Zabrina and Steph (Zabrina is SO inspiring, listening to the way she speaks, her knowledge and her intelligence just inspire me to learn more about what I love, I wanted to Start. my study.)
Watched "Up" with Mom! ^_^
M workers speaking at "Home" - new insights - renew the way how I used to view sth. =)
charismatic family because they have one focus
Piano class with David / Peter and Lynn and Violin teachers teaching theory

Sunday, May 31, 2009

a sweet aroma

Last Thursday =)
Grace - a foggy evening, misty air, the shadow of trees from afar ... light shine through

Saturday, May 30, 2009

home visit

she came to Toronto, I'll see her tmw!!! =)

Thursday, May 28, 2009


From Kaarina's BBS last Fri -
Grace - if you hold up a shield with your left hand, half of it will protect yourself, and the other half will cover ur neighbour


Yesterday -
Freshness of the grass, moist in the air -- one fine aroma


Finally finished "Redeeming Love" yesterday - a book some of the girls have read before...
Reading this beautiful love story which is based on the Book of Hosea almost torn my heart into pieces, =) so I've to read it and finish reading it quickly ... because hope and real love is found at the very very end!

A journey...very sensibly described.


A foggy evening
driving down the valley on Warden ....looking at the shadow of the trees from afar ... light shinning through the fog...

I can't help, but feeling Very romantic

I remember that day when we're all standing in the mist waiting for our car fix in China...
Andrea, Heidi, Karen, 3 boys, & Ralph
Didn't expect that moment would make history


The experience canoeing through the valley in Quebec ^_^

I love the smell of fresh air!


Elton has completed the lyrics for the Father's Day (for the children to sing)
Dorcas had started practicing the skit she wrote with the children last week
Both so creative, so amirable, I'm amazed we come together and achieve more... (my team!)


Piano class with David -
reading more novel helps me to comprehend better ... enriching the expression
(something tender)

Friday, May 22, 2009

The full armour of God

Grace 31:15 - Earth - the wondrous Creation - the genuine truth, purity, courage, struggles & harmony

Really enjoyed watching earth last weekend!!


BBS at Kaarina's place tonight (thanks for feeding me - my love for Swiss chalet quarter pound chicken)

Blessed with my girls!!! ^_^
We're studying the book of Ephesians - a call for community
a call to change my own self - to respond, then act accordingly
my life is also about people around me
Grace - if you hold up a shield with your left hand, half of it will protect yourself, and the other half will cover ur neighbour

A call also to joy, fun and love -- Love my girls who're all so beautiful and tasteful and fun
hoping to visit Rahier sometimes for cake & croissant sometimes 7:30 a.m. he he

Father, if You've blessed me with a gift, I'll use that to glorify You - my commitment


Mandi's wedding coming up - so nervous...totally going to slip >.< practice practice practice!!!
don't sweat! honest

ask yourself -

what fills your mind?
& what breaks your heart?

... just be honest!


Lesson from David today -
"you do your part, the vocal singer will take care of theirs..."

me to myeslf: Yes, I'll do my part. Focus ... Concentrate

Lesson from David earlier -
"Don't lose your audiences"

me to myself: You've to be ON. Focus + Excellence

Thursday, May 21, 2009

exhausted - I MUST GET MORE REST!

rushing from places to places....

So thankful for God's protection...I was so tired, head was a little dizzy while I was driving >.< ~* Came back from lesson with David... I love performance, but listening to David...then I know what are those techniques that were missing, but my teacher is SO encouraging. =) I love art performance ... One must be so confident, so well prepare in order to give that graceful presentation ^__^ One must be so confident that she can loosen up so the real artistic quality can come through!!!! the most comfortable environment / atmosphere for me to feel myself!!! Performance - you've to be so immersed into Everything has to be so natural, otherwise the performance will become pretentious (I'm natural IF I don't have to worry about the technical difficulties =) hee hee, so overcome the technical parts ^__^ It's more difficult to be natural than overcoming technical difficulties!! he he)


concentrate and focus - so I can get through the many many things that I needed to do.
STOP THINKING while you're driving - REGINE, this is VERY VERY dangerous. Lord, thanks for protecting me tonight.
(I was staring at the tornado-like cloud in the sky tonight while I was driving home, and then my car was quickly drifting to the side... sigh sigh... so glad that I realize it quickly.)


I'm so tired and exhausted...but there is still a burning passion that keeps me going, doing and finishing everything that I've picked up.... why? what's happening here?

there is a purpose...

I love what I'm doing...

I don't know why this is happening...

I need more time to rest.


Love Alan's Wedding last week. He finally married a REAL artist. Now I understand where his preference is coming from, it's all originated from this pure love in the very very beginning. Lily is Beautiful and Natural!!!! ^__^ like a child, he he!!!! Love people who're genuine and natural and fun loving!!!

It takes time to know a person!
Time will tell you what a person truly is!!!!!!

Alan Lee haha....a business man! haha, his wife truly helps bringing out the best side of him!!! hahaha ^__^ May God continue to bless their marriage as they're faithfully trusting the Lord.


I'm so glad to get to know my friends!!!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Grace - Happy Mother's day!

Regine - "it came about as a choice and not an epiphany ..." - introspective exertion

Grace 31:15 love grows ... Facts <-- Faith <-- Feelings - a Promise, an Event & the experience - .Alpha.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

eyes sparkle and shine (harmony class with Peter)

Regine (stitches) to be considerate, to help reduce pain, be careful & continue to believe - YES!

a busy busy week...but... will post later :)


Cath - vibrantly alive - vital lifeline

Friday, April 10, 2009


my commitment to my teacher to express my gratitude =)

if 3, 4 hours a day if I can afford..

(sooo totally surely Not!! But I'll try ^_^ with joy!!)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

i love u

when I am completely swamped or overloaded, help will come. I cannot be more thankful for Emily Y. and Teresa for their time & initiative in helping out children worship today. My pearls, my angels ... I will remember this ~ prayers ~ Friends at DMBC, teachers at DMBC, my teachers, my co-workers I am really thankful that you're all in my life.

my two weeks straight.....
I love everything that I get to do, but I was so swamped that I cannot pause to enjoy what I am doing ... other than times when I'm taking lessons, and learning...

cell group
harmony 5
teach piano
children worship
practice mandi's music
cell group
harmony 5
teach piano
practice ah la's music
children worship
practice mandi's music

I'm so exhausted right now, I really need to rest & sleep.

p.s. Horace dressed up especially for the kids today for today was the first time he taught them during worship time. How admirable, and how much respect that he has given the kids ... I want to always remember this.

p.s.s. Chester's Sunday school (Sermon on the mount ch. 7) ... Patience - sometime means to listen to other carefully / Pearls (not throwing my treasures found to others) ... I'm not going to take my found treasures lightly ...

with lots of love.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


piano class with David today

of course I didn't have time to practice for the past 2 weeks ... have been reluctant to cancel my piano class 'tho ... and so I went & started looking forward to class since waking up in the morning ... well :)

Today is such a beautifully warm day ...
a gentle breeze ...
and the sun shining the way ...

travelling on the bus, winding down ... I appreciate so much of this time ... aside from looking at different passengers I get to meet everyday ... and staring into the sky ... I thought of you!! =)

... in tune ... when there is light & a gentle breeze ... I see & I hear
(of course it won't be one single thing that helps to keep myself in tune, I thought of so many of you ... at church, in piano classes, at work, my family, my trip to ch.)

Glad to have went to class today ...

Etude by Chopin, when a major key fills the soprano and a minor key fills in the bass in one passage ... the struggles and the sufferings that make it real and many many more things David said when he told me about playing this piece ...

guess you really have to do it ... or experience it in order to understand.

it's more than words, feelings, or cognitive thinking...when all 3 are in is so spontaneous...

very natural!

It's a blessing ... seize the time, when I still have the opportunity to ...


Today's devotion April 7 Oswald Chambers

Why are we not told plainly?
Mark 9:9 "He charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead."

"say nothing until the Son of man is risen in you - until the life of the risen Christ so dominates you that you understand what the historic Christ taught."

...May your light shines into my I can understand...

last week Harmony 5 with Peter - how much does music and harmony resonate with the truth in life? :)

in tune "move by steps when u need to change to another key - a smooth progression" - music harmony

Don't let the melody runs past the tonic of the key ... it is important to identify which key the music is in

3 weeks ago - lesson with David

if you haven't already won competition at the age of 17, it's already too late to become a solo pianist ...
this totally reminded me of the importance of time ...

seize the time, while I still have the opportunity to live out my dream ... and be who you wanted me to be ^__^

Saturday, March 14, 2009

DMBC - Joyce's Birthday!

Celebrating Joyce's birthday today!! yay =)
DMBC people are so nice and close ...
So cool and natural and so much fun to be with ...
Having an opportunity to hang around with people like this ... my life is changed completely!!

Not going to forget my RHCCC group either...without them, I won't be who I am today!!!!

...when one's life is being touched...

May you be touched too!

I love you guys!!!


Alpha last wednesday....aaron starts mentioning about Q.E.D. Q.E.D. ...
And Jeremy said these 3 Latin words!! haha

Thursday, February 26, 2009

.Loving. =)

Regine: starting to read Hosea [like a mystery ... it touches me with the tenderness of an April snow]

Friday, February 20, 2009

220 Kiwanis Music Festival - Mozart / Haydn's solo

Friday 20090220

Regine finished playing @ Kiwanis today ... musicianship reminds me to strive for excellence ... "divine quality in Mozart & Haydn's Sonata" - the adjudicator Dr. A. Shannon said with amazement, contrasting with violence that happened around the city everyday ... le sigh!

Today ... really is one fine day! I was glad that I could go to St. Anglican church and met the fine adjudicator and two very fine competitors!

for the whole week, I was so nervous ... because I was not ready. Nervous, but still didn't practice enough ... I should cut down the hours of practicing and instead increase my focus and attention in memorization (weaknesses), rather than expression (strength)!

This is one full week - a week before I'll start working again! :) Quite looking forward to it actually!

This week ...

checking out the office (thankful for God's arrangement for rides and transportation, so thankful that He provided me with this job)

Alpha cell group

Friday: met so many different people from different occupations - starting off with Dad's medical assessment appointment

1) Limo driver
2) Translator
3) Doctors
4) HSBC tellers
5) Lunch and "Yum Cha" with neighbours (Teacher and school principal)
6) Mom visiting a friend who studies Chinese medicine for accupuncture treatment (Lord, thankful for taking care of my mom!! Thank you!! =)
7) Young musicians at night
8) one fine music adjudicator A. Shannon
9) so thankful ... Lord, I couldn't put down everything that happened over the week... but I'm thankful that You strengthen my faith through every little thing, and through people that I met.

Thanks ... And next week, it'll be my turn to start a new job!!! I pray that You'll continue to guide me and guard my heart and keep me from temptation that may lead me astray from Your plan for me!

I pray that You'll continue to strengthen me to pray too ... for people who are on my heart no matter where they are!!! =) it's pretty cool and neat!!! (even if you're far far far far far far far away :)

Last but Not least ... I'm thankful that I'm no longer asking "why" in a way that will distract me from living purposefully! For example, I'm no longer asking "why should I continue to play the piano" even though really it is kind of pointless why I'm still learning music!! I just have to do this ... Not just because it helps me to grow to become a better person, not just because I enjoy doing it (I don't enjoy it too much, especially when it requires hard work :P)

I just have to do it .... because .... it is very meaningful to me!!

Maybe striving to finish something that I started 20 years ago ... maybe because I still think that music will enrich my life and I will not regret about putting hard work into it if I look back 20 years from now ... Maybe ... Maybe because You are my song ... I'm not sure ...will see :)

David Swan said - it must have meaning - you must know where your music is going - where it is driving to - in order to give meaning! :) --> This sounds so similar to the purpose driven life!!


For myself:

Praying for consistency, perseverance
to become a good communicator (if not good, have to be an adequate communicator)
pray to not forget to strive for excellence =)
pray for having better memory ... hee hee hee hee 要上心
needing very good time management to finish my work (harmony, piano, work, cpa) :P

This Weekend

Looking forward to this weekend girl cell group Bible study!! What will Kaarina teach us this month? hmm... =)

Looking forward to choose glasses for my brother yay!!!

Looking forward to SKIP music practice with Mike and Martin this Sunday!!! YAY!!!! ke ke ke

Last week

learning from Alpha group two weeks ago -

Facts <-- Faith <-- Feelings - a Promise, an Event & the experience - Alpha!

Faith should always be following Facts ...
Feelings will follow faith
Faith will easily go astray if it follows feelings but not facts

Our faith should be based on the 1) Promise from the Word
2) An event that took place 2000 years ago and
3) my own experience of it!!

[like a mystery ... it touches me with the tenderness of an April snow]

I pray that I'll be equipped to become a useful servant!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Grace 31:15 - living to protect precious pearls found - "life-giving" =) shines through from his & her humility

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cognitive Psy

reading this quote from makes me think of cognitive psychology -

"If the human mind was simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it." - Emerson Pugh

Friday, January 30, 2009

I admit

I admit that I had not concretely achieved anything in the past year of 2008, other than I have been receiving a lot, absorbing a lot of new experiences, including trusting in the Lord for His gracious providence and guidance for my trip to China, the learning of trust has definitely bring the relationship to a new height, and for myself a transformation of maturity!!

2 Timothy 1:7 "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline."

A greater assurance of my identity, determination to achieve goals, confidence for myself of knowing who I am, growing older, and the most important of all ... my relationship with other people ... to care, and be cared for, provide and be provided with .... the interdependency is definitely deepening many insights and understanding of the essence of living ...

But ... I am still making so many people worrying about me ... for not putting forth fully what I could have provided to them.... (my family especially)

for not persevering ... for not training my body to stay fit to match the strong will and the strength of my soul. My uncertain career direction and other aspects of life do not demonstrate to people who really care about me to believe that I really know what I'm doing and what I needed and planned to do.

What can I do to change that? I know I can, as long as I set my mind to do it!

I can!

It is no longer enough to just being genuinely happy for myself ...!

please stay strong, healthy and youthful!!

mom, I love you!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the curious case of benjamin button

I anticipated to watch this movie for a while....full of high hope when I started watching ... after a while, I couldn't deny that I felt a little bored....

until......the end of the movie ....

yeah, this movie reminded me of last summer when I took the course "Aging" in psychology. Last summer, taking a two-month summer course, I walked through the different stages of life from childhood to old old age, and get to know a little bit more about the old age. - the psychological and physical change of human development!

this movie, in 2 and a half hour, it also walked me through the different stages of life ... it became interesting towards the end because it reminded me of imminent endings of things and people!!!

Things and people Do change ... but "something" in these ever changing things and people Do Not!!! Yeah, it's our own life stories ... resonating with the ending message in the movie ..... yeah, an individual unique story in each of our lives ... if we're true to live out our stories ... it is quite ... everlasting!

*giggle* I don't know what I'm saying....

but yeah, I like the movie!! :)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

天使 - 嬰兒與上帝的對話 (from forwarded messages)



“ 不過”,小孩問了,“請告訴我--在天堂我除了歌唱和微笑之外什麼都不做。這些是我快樂所需要的!”上帝說,“你的天使每天將會為你歌唱和微笑。你將會感受到你的天使的愛,你會感到快樂。”









Monday, January 5, 2009

New Year 2009

photos taken in Quebec (2004)

New Year - let's wake up early in the morning =)

"be more assertive and clear in my instructions!!" especially when I lead children worship!!

Be confident!! :)

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year 2009!!

Christmas card to friends in China

Honey - The land of Israel is richly blessed with a unique, varied and plentiful floral abundance ..." A land of wheat and barley, of vines, fig trees and pomergranates, a land of olives, oil and honey" (Deuteronomy 8:8)
Bible verses related to Honey:
Proverbs 16:24
Proverbs 24:13
Proverbs 25:27


December has been a busy month preparing with kids for Christmas (song presentation), my exam month, my doing-not-so-well Harmony 5 exam (working too too slow, not paying attention to speed!) ... but all in all, it's a joyful season celebrating with family and friends whom I haven't seen for a long time / with people that I have been working closely this year!

growing in friendship

eyes opened to see wider

heart opened to feel deeper

and arms equipped with strength to grasp tighter

In the book of Ephesians 3:20, it says "God can do anything, you know - far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams..."

He is bigger than what I could imagine. I'm amazed by the beauty that He has created in people (working styles, behaviour and physical attractiveness) We're called to be the best that we can be!!!

Thank you for motivating, encouraging and refreshing me!

There're difficult times, people's mind or situation to deal with ... but *nod nod* maybe we can get through ... praying that we'll be refreshed day by day!

My friends who are dreaming big right now =) .... May it come true ... step by step!!!