Regine finished playing @ Kiwanis today ... musicianship reminds me to strive for excellence ... "divine quality in Mozart & Haydn's Sonata" - the adjudicator Dr. A. Shannon said with amazement, contrasting with violence that happened around the city everyday ... le sigh!
Today ... really is one fine day! I was glad that I could go to St. Anglican church and met the fine adjudicator and two very fine competitors!
for the whole week, I was so nervous ... because I was not ready. Nervous, but still didn't practice enough ... I should cut down the hours of practicing and instead increase my focus and attention in memorization (weaknesses), rather than expression (strength)!
This is one full week - a week before I'll start working again! :) Quite looking forward to it actually!
This week ...
checking out the office (thankful for God's arrangement for rides and transportation, so thankful that He provided me with this job)
Alpha cell group
Friday: met so many different people from different occupations - starting off with Dad's medical assessment appointment
1) Limo driver
2) Translator
3) Doctors
4) HSBC tellers
5) Lunch and "Yum Cha" with neighbours (Teacher and school principal)
6) Mom visiting a friend who studies Chinese medicine for accupuncture treatment (Lord, thankful for taking care of my mom!! Thank you!! =)
7) Young musicians at night
8) one fine music adjudicator A. Shannon
9) so thankful ... Lord, I couldn't put down everything that happened over the week... but I'm thankful that You strengthen my faith through every little thing, and through people that I met.
Thanks ... And next week, it'll be my turn to start a new job!!! I pray that You'll continue to guide me and guard my heart and keep me from temptation that may lead me astray from Your plan for me!
I pray that You'll continue to strengthen me to pray too ... for people who are on my heart no matter where they are!!! =) it's pretty cool and neat!!! (even if you're far far far far far far far away :)
Last but Not least ... I'm thankful that I'm no longer asking "why" in a way that will distract me from living purposefully! For example, I'm no longer asking "why should I continue to play the piano" even though really it is kind of pointless why I'm still learning music!! I just have to do this ... Not just because it helps me to grow to become a better person, not just because I enjoy doing it (I don't enjoy it too much, especially when it requires hard work :P)
I just have to do it .... because .... it is very meaningful to me!!
Maybe striving to finish something that I started 20 years ago ... maybe because I still think that music will enrich my life and I will not regret about putting hard work into it if I look back 20 years from now ... Maybe ... Maybe because You are my song ... I'm not sure ...will see :)
David Swan said - it must have meaning - you must know where your music is going - where it is driving to - in order to give meaning! :) --> This sounds so similar to the purpose driven life!!
For myself:
Praying for consistency, perseverance
to become a good communicator (if not good, have to be an adequate communicator)
pray to not forget to strive for excellence =)
pray for having better memory ... hee hee hee hee 要上心
needing very good time management to finish my work (harmony, piano, work, cpa) :P
This Weekend
Looking forward to this weekend girl cell group Bible study!! What will Kaarina teach us this month? hmm... =)
Looking forward to choose glasses for my brother yay!!!
Looking forward to SKIP music practice with Mike and Martin this Sunday!!! YAY!!!! ke ke ke
Last week
learning from Alpha group two weeks ago -
Facts <-- Faith <-- Feelings - a Promise, an Event & the experience - Alpha!
Faith should always be following Facts ...
Feelings will follow faith
Faith will easily go astray if it follows feelings but not facts
Our faith should be based on the 1) Promise from the Word
2) An event that took place 2000 years ago and
3) my own experience of it!!
[like a mystery ... it touches me with the tenderness of an April snow]
I pray that I'll be equipped to become a useful servant!
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