Friday, May 22, 2009

The full armour of God

Grace 31:15 - Earth - the wondrous Creation - the genuine truth, purity, courage, struggles & harmony

Really enjoyed watching earth last weekend!!


BBS at Kaarina's place tonight (thanks for feeding me - my love for Swiss chalet quarter pound chicken)

Blessed with my girls!!! ^_^
We're studying the book of Ephesians - a call for community
a call to change my own self - to respond, then act accordingly
my life is also about people around me
Grace - if you hold up a shield with your left hand, half of it will protect yourself, and the other half will cover ur neighbour

A call also to joy, fun and love -- Love my girls who're all so beautiful and tasteful and fun
hoping to visit Rahier sometimes for cake & croissant sometimes 7:30 a.m. he he

Father, if You've blessed me with a gift, I'll use that to glorify You - my commitment


Mandi's wedding coming up - so nervous...totally going to slip >.< practice practice practice!!!
don't sweat!

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