Monday, July 20, 2009


music is so expressive because it's a language beyond words. =)

well, yah...


I had my first student taking RCM exam and got 81 in Gr. 5. Relief! :)


Green light, go! =)

- no cruise to Greece
- better study schedule
- we can go to San Francisco and L.A. to visits friends! yeah!


I'm called to be a better communicator - be clear =)


Aaron ate a whole can of Sardines at church yesterday during tea of his regular dietary habits..... it's so amusing to see him....and appreciate how uniquely Father created each one of us to be.....I truly truly love people at DMBC who just freely, genuinely be who they are created to be ... who have a very balanced life style and served whole-heartedly

Ian's - Collecting traveller-size personal hygiene items for Eva's place
Elizabeth - practical, detail oriented and always put her visions into actions (children play group)

I love you guys!

It just totally brings me joy!!! ^_^


I decided to be punctual at work starting tomorrow! Even that means waking up VERY early in the morning. And to be more neat and tidy and organize to please my parents! :) They have tolerated me for 26 years. I love you and I'll change!

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