Friday, December 12, 2008
Harmony 5

Monday, December 8, 2008
Proverbs 24:33-34
Sunday, December 7, 2008
it was hard to admit that I was wrong
teaching method
my organization ...
my carelessness ...
it was way harder than I thought to honestly admit that I was wrong
I rehearse Jesus' prayer since I learn it from Kaarina:
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, a sinner.
but rehearsing, admitting I was wrong on the surface was much easier than genuinely confessing
But now I can face it.
accumulated problems when I did not prepare well when I teach
generally not preparing for things
late arriving at DMBC yesterday
my set priority & judgement
time management
When I was messaging Sansan this afternoon, I thought that's because I cannot do what I am challenged to do. And there is no solution to it. I only realize later on tonight, that it's something else that is blocking me from focusing and working! I hope I'll remember this.
*genuinely confessing*
my MSN:
Grace - 面對困難! - it was way harder than I thought to genuinely confess, but now I can face it
Monday, December 1, 2008
centre of tonality
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Peter Ware on Advance Harmony 5
There is such delicate relationship in how all the tiny components work together! Peter Ware well integrated music theory into every day's life as he teaches! (Peter is a great teacher who is about the age of a grand father, who is very gentle and patient!)
He trains students to become observant to the details
to precisely spell the chords correctly, and relate dynamically to the music passage as we compose......
"To compose ... not to decompose, Regine" Peter said as he giggled watching me erasing my writing which were all wrong.
"To learn the appropriateness in different music passages, just like we've to learn about cultural differences ... and appropriateness in different context"
He taught us how to find the key in the music passage...
to be certain of where we are (knowing the key and cadences before we can modulate to somewhere else) - it makes no sense to step into the unknown if we don't know where we are
learning the relationship between different chords and chords functions in a music passage....
learning how to modulate from the old key to a new key as smoothly as possible....
Peter, these are deep lessons … my extended long journey of music learning is inseparable to my personal growth & life stories!
"Harmony is basically simple!!" said Peter.
Yeah, if we understand the underlying relationship and are observant enough to the details ...
it's neat to learn!!
...Harmony & Keys (to the open door)...
Something simple and hard...
I’m still looking forward to pass my exam…if I can!!! Ahhh…
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
German augmented 6th chord (old key) enharmonic to Dominant 7th chord of a new key ... How cool!!!
--> Harmony five exam coming up on December 13
Monday, October 27, 2008
too cool to study and learn
'tho the PSY (science) courses I'm taking in the past year won't be directly applied to my career direction.........
but reading and writing research articles......
balancing between scientific evidence and sensible value judgement is an extremely neat experience...
From human perception (the 5 senses, our brain and our perceptual experience)
to Introduction to development (studying about psychologcial and physical changes between different stages in life....infancy, toddler, adolescents, young adult, adult, and old old age ...including the social aspects)
to Aging (tons and tons of research on young adults vs. older adults and how the brain ages with time :P) Neat!!!
to now....finally landing on Human Memory (more studying about the brain .... research articles are very interesting)
Forgetful like me....I'm going to forget this cool experience if I don't put this down right now....soon.....I'll be going back go Accounting and Finance lu.........
I love this study experience..... =) Even though I'm no good if I'm asked to work with people face to face all the time, (too impatient ........) this is a rich experience for my own personal growth!!! yay...... =)
Stop blogging, Regine......
........ still.....unready for test tmw!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Lesson with David Swan
Lord, thank you for music and friendship! You've shown us how to share our lives at a deeper level.
Monday, September 29, 2008
relying on my own strength
There are too many things that I must take action upon....right now...or....it will be...or it has already been too late...
There are so many things that I have learned over the summer and now I know....I even know what I should do......
Please help me to overcome my weakness.....
In J's name
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Lesson with David Swan :)
yep, so this is the picture that I have in mind...after having the lesson.
1) Framework
2) then I can organize different things
3) with precision
4) penetration - have to do it right...have the "right" way penetrates throughout
5) becomes automatic
6) then....accumulate the experience....
and...memorize as soon as possible
Reduce arms movement...the music makes me excited, that's why my arms move over-excitedly sometimes :)
different parts of the muscles...hands, palm, arms, shoulders and back...they'll be use differently :)
making music!! yay! :)
I'm praised for my sensitive touch, yay!
hm......yeah......He communicated SO well. My mind is clouded by many things lately...jobs, careers, missions. But David helps me to see clearly, the underlying theme through all these and most importantly, he helps me to see where the light is shinning through and the most important things - what matters!
He told me that I did something useful, helpful this summer! (I don't remember what words he uses to describe what I did, but that is the meaning that I got! :)
He asked if anyone comes to faith - yeah, some did ... and I've to follow up with that :)
hm....yeah, that's it....He helps me to clear my mind....this is something very very very important.
I love his language...it's not the actual language language....but his language is so clean, so understandable, the flow and meaning, always with precision =)
Less is more!! Yay!
Sunday, July 20, 2008
figuring out the chords for songs
I was really annoyed earlier....coz somehow it's hard to figure out the chords, too much changing of keys, and transition!
But awwww....music, in music...one will always always always ALWAYS find the perfect harmony! (although it does take me some time!)
how strange?? the counterpoint and harmony?? There is always a perfect match and rhyme...if not, a new combination can bring the acoustic sensation to a new level. (like Hindemith)
I hope the same thing happen in the real world...
always being able to find the best fit, exactly what you most needed!!!!
www.onematch.com - Finding the match for Carolyn Tam
Thursday, July 17, 2008
lesson with David Swan - Music
Really enjoy those moments - very communicative - the brain is exercising - He is teaching
He said, "the best pianist (like violinist) doesn't necessarily shoot at the right notes, but they....adapt the best; therefore, our hands shouldn't be like moulded clay, rather, like mud that can be moulded, that could flexibly respond to the music passage, and do / play what's articulated (the blue print)" -- Adaptation vs. flexibility (my attitude to-be when I'm on the mission trip for there could be many changes, and I have to adapt to a new culture, people and environment.)
He said, "it's a mental thing, if you belief you can do the leap (jumping between big chords on the keyboard, we call those snaps - on Hindemith Sonata No. 2) you can do it." -- Belief, are you talking about believing? A test to my faith - there are always so much uncertainties during preparation, but things seems they will always sort out - thanks Lord! `
"slowly you can do that (we are talking about playing different rhythmic pattern between the hands) - practice independence of hands - I have to practice clapping, and do it so naturally until I don't have to think about it anymore.
...But you don't push yourself like you will achieve it overnight, it comes with time" - David can tell that I am quite impatient with myself, but it is so true, nothing comes overnight - my attitude, my behaviour, my habits, I can always fall back to my old habits unless I practice them over and over again.
"time will fix everything" - He sees that I can do it, even though, I still have a couple of pieces that are far from ready
"simplify your fingerings - play as well as you're doing now, lively, but not like hyper-active (haha!) reduce some fingers movement. As long as you hit the tone, you don't have to try as hard!" =) relax - don't push yourself
"the best sound comes when you play them at ease, there shouldn't be any hard attempt. =) If you try hard enough, the sound may come out fairly good; but playing in an awkward posture, the sound produced will not be at its best. When you play comfortably and the sound comes out nicely, it's the best."
"my performance (piano) can make my arguments valid, or fall apart."
I'm so glad to have David as my teacher ... He's always at ease, always humourous. Even though I sort of try to put his words in quotation, but he says it in a much nicer, and more eloquent way, which I cannot regurgitate.
Trust me, having lesson with him is much much more fun than how I write it in this tiny paragraph. In his mannerism, he shows me what is maturity (as a person, as a performer). Because of how he Really is as a person, he makes his message of being a Christian very convincing. I think he has the Word penetrate all through him ^_^
Working on:
Bach - WTC Prelude and Fugue in C# major (Status: 45%)
Haydn - Sonata in E-flat major (50%)
Chopin - Fantasy Impromptu (35%)
Rachmaninoff - Prelude in D major (50%)
Hindemith - Sonata No. 2 (20%)
Chopin - Etude Op. 10 No. 3 (50%)
When I am back for the summer, if I do not have these pieces memorized, I will not be able to get any further than where I am at now! Cya again, in September!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
愛很簡單 - 陶喆
It is called "the joy of the Holy Spirit". (1 Thessalonians 1:6)
It is the work of God: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace". (Romans 15:13)
Joy in God is awakened in the heart when God graciously opens our eyes to see the glory of Christ in the Gospel. (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Nevertheles, even though joy in God is ultimately a gift of God, he uses means to bring people into the fullness of it. Paul described his whole ministry as laboring for the joy of others.
~ quoted from John Piper "Don't waste your life" p. 103
I smile when I feel glad. I'm happy to receive the food, candies, prayer support and spiritual nurturing. Me, I'm a poor one who cannot afford luxury =) , but yeah, so now I see real nice stuff!!! hee hee :) I feel so undeserved, but thank you!
I'm glad your generosity helps me to become a better person.
I smile, but many times, I feel like crying!
Many times, when a preacher preaches the Word, I am touched.
When I see people, I am touched.
We're people who're challenged to open up, we're challenged to love Christ, pray and in turn to love others. We are called to have self-control and to recreate. ...Life and the ability to reproduce...
How many moments that I am speechless, but just know that it is Love . steady . stable . warm . quiet . freely given . freely received . heartache . Joy . If . it is love . it will always be there.
the gentle spirit & actions speak louder than words ...
I met a kind korean hair dresser on Friday
My piano teacher David Swan
My former finance manager - John Yip
OMF workers and missionaries I met at the guest house
And every name that sits in the deep deep corner of my heart too embarrassed to reveal, but each of you speaks a part of it, and together become one picture of the convincing truth by living and being who you are. You impacted me. (are you...reading this now?)
lately, I'm really confused about the preparation for my trip coming up.
It's so exciting, but with so much uncertainties.
What am I supposed to do? Is this an exam?
preparing and writing little songs for kids are so much fun, I'm glad that we're called to do something that we're excited about ... rather than dragging to do it.
I'm really confused too, thinking about upcoming September, should I continue with PSY or go back to Business? Pastor Eric talked about "shadowed missions and God-given missions" today. Do we spend 95% of the time thinking, caring about the people we want to serve? Or do we do something hoping to gain financial status and respect from people? What should I do? Do I really care about serving people?
In the quiet moments, I remember how I love you. Moments when there're tears of joy and when my heart is shaken ...
... I will follow that simple spark to explore my path. It's more pure and genuine ... it's simpler.
. love .
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Monday, June 16, 2008
Hail - Ice in June
You're Lord! I remember your teaching that we are called to be kind to others and care about what's going on in our world!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
DMBC team
I knew they would stay to the end! I felt their spirit when I headed home last night....your determination, lingers =)
This team doesn't say much, they just laugh and laugh and laugh even more through everything that they're doing!
'tho the weather was stormy last night, and they're exhausted from work, they stay for the full course of the race!!!! yay!!!
...a quiet string, a shining light, a sense of comfort, support, perseverance and confidence...
They share their hearts, their concern (though we're not close close close close friends, but you genuinely express your love, and your care to friends and family who're suffering) You draw us closer!!!
Thanks for building a bridge between one another, thanks for opening yourself and I feel your warm heartbeat!!!!! love ya!
The news report a chaotic world (earthquake in Japan, Prisoner's escape in Afghanistan, flooding in the States, H.K. and China) ... but I remember the quiet strength and perseverance on the track and field you guys uphold ---> The DMBC team!
Saturday, June 14, 2008
Relay for life - au mon coeur
Relay for life ... goes on rain or shine! [see previous posting for the cause of running]
nope, I didn't run for 12 hours....not even close, but DMBC team did...even during the rain and storm!!! :) Even though I was there for only a few hours, I really want to support this event. There're so many times, there're not much that we can do, but the spirit of perseverance . strives .
I'm really thankful for my supportive parents, I don't know what to say to express my gratitude. ... Wishing my aunt a successful recovery!
Teaching music on the weekend
Music school, one of the places that provides me feelings of security - a place that I grow up with, a place that nourishes spirits that focuses not only on scholarships, but musicality, genuine attitude, honesty and well-being. I can't deny the profit-driven motive behind schools, but ... so many times, I appreciate schools helping to set the foundation for healthy community.
Lord, please guide, let me acknowledge Your work when my emotions overflow! Praise~*
Friday, June 13, 2008
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
"wake up, Susan; wake up, trees" by C.S. Lewis in Chronicles of Narnia
can't bear reading the news...http://hk.news.yahoo.com/080610/167/2vhnc.html
he's being so truthful though, at least he is being honest to the rest of the world, telling the truth of how he perceives things; but ... sigh ... sigh ... sigh ... sigh ... sigh
Music, art, they are so beautiful ... an irony to the cruel world
Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis - the youngest sister Lucy ... pushing her sister, Susan to wake up, wake up to search of Aslan ... Lucy leaning on the tree, also saying, "trees, wake up!"
The moment the Narnians thought they're abandoned, even trees in the forest retrieve into themselves and stop dancing ...
Wake up, wake up, to see again!!
Monday, June 9, 2008
Relay for Life
Why I Relay -
hearing friends and family ... who're affected by the disease, I'm compelled to support this event...On this Friday, I'll be wearing a t-shirt with my koo jeh's name on it, even though physically I cannot do anything, I want to support her as she goes through the treatments!! And I sincerely wish her a successful recovery!!!
My family will come out and support this run, and we'll do this also in remembrance of my poh poh. Please come out and support!
Sunday, June 8, 2008
We'll walk through the journey, and there is no short cut =)
It parallels the spiritual walk with all these imageries. I find the movie so touching ;) C.S. Lewis = a great writer = clear, understandable, inspiring, creative
--> what if we really believe and interpret His Word correctly, and live - that is so powerful
..."wake up, wake up, Susan", Lucy says...
I remember, I remember ...
This morning when I woke up, maybe coz of the warm, hot weather ... I rmb Québec...
I'm only a feeler...I remember the feeling sitting in the dorm room in the morning - being in a rush in shower room, feeling energetic and getting ready for all the fun during the day
... Aslan ... the same story doesn't happen twice ... but He will stay unchange =) believe.
The movie reminds me of my friends, even when we go onto different paths, and we're meant to go on different paths ... :*)
sad news in Japan today... I thought of ah Yum during the movie, and after watching the news clip...
I'm not quite a reliable person, because I can change my mind quickly, but I'll lock my committment in Him, He's my safe, so I will remember.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
walking in the rain (on st. george =)
I feel so so so supported by them ... even though, they're just being there!!!! So many times people don't know why I picked PSY / so many times...thinking about this is such a long way to go, and I probably won't be able to find a job that would allow me to write report and continue with research / and today...when I was studying at home, reading about the various kind of disorders, declining biological functions associated with aging....it's sooo depressing, reading about the disorders is just SCARY!!!!
But ... in a supportive class environment.....with siu mui mui Emily ^__^ who's SOOO nice and helpful sending me load and loads of research opportunity is ... very good and fulfilling! hee hee
I went into PSY because I remembered two years ago, on the Rotman magazine, there was an article...saying that in 2030...depression would become even more prevalent ... This is again validated in an after-class chatting with the teacher....and the reasons are because of work stress...isolation, and all other factors, I'm not sure.
Anyway...I probably won't go that far helping anyway...But as little as I can contribute to the field...I still really want to do it!!!
This past Sunday, was my 3rd recital for my piano students at Pro-Music - my first year listening to my students playing on stage - my kids are lovely that they actually practice, and they want to do well! I finally see myself being able to teach Gr. 5, and grades beyond Gr. 5 Piano! I've to learn to teach...but this experience is so rich, so enjoyable and lovely! Thanks to my teacher, Robert Gernburd and my current teacher David Swan - their concentration, how they brought me into the music world, refining my perception to sounds and music, the whole playing the piano thing incorporating and reflecting my whole being, lifestyles, strengths and weaknesses...this is just SO cool!!!! And Ms. Meizhi Bi's award winning students' recital....altogether, it creates a community, a nurturing community =)
It'd be so nice if music and psy are combined ... let's continue to dream on ^_^
Mom, thank you!
Once, I experience love like a little pond, like a puddle of water I could tip my foot in and make a seemingly exciting...blash!
Then, I find out, love from the family is like a swimming pool that allows me to swim, swim freely :)
And then ... I realize it's not the right analogy ... you're like air and an ocean, so huge, so vast, yet invisible; surrounded me and I won't realize what you've done for me until one moment...suddenly ... I realized. ....A quiet string ~ 愛的柔絲 . 深藏的愛
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I jogged around the neighbourhood after work ... didn't want to look into the news... just coz...I saw the paper in the morning with this huge picture showing the whole town of Si Chuan being shattered into pieces.
While I was jogging around, there's an ice-cream truck beside me along the way =) I enjoyed the happy tune from the truck so much especially when children kept running out from the playground for ice-cream. One child stood in front of the truck, and his ice-cream cone somehow took extra long to deliver...and while waiting, the little boy started to dance with the music, shaking his body, shaking his little buttie. hahaha!! When his dad ran to his boy, telling him to buy, Two more, "we want two more cones", this is the scene I thought, a scene worth to last forever.
At night, I got a call from Mel...updating about a friend. Her little daughter just passed away on May 9th......due to sickness. [deep sigh!] R.I.P. - Molly
This week, it has been very strenuous emotionally! but I'm thankful for church on Sunday!Thankful for Joyce's announcement for the bake sale next Sunday, as an appreciation for parents' donation to the mission trip. Thankful for Hannah's singing..."Still" by Hillsong, a song, dedicated to Molly. Thankful for Mel editing my English writing...Thankful that my mom telling me this morning..."why are you dressed so clumsily all the time? Your outfit, and your hair...they don't go together." Mom, thanks...thanks for the kind words right from the heart :) [hee hee, but Wendy told me I looked perfectly fine, when I was taking a quick peak at my own reflection before I stepped into church :P she also encouraged by saying that God looks into one's heart...hee hee hee]
Anyways, as days go by, there is not one person who doesn't have something in their hearts that ache or concern...
The Nooma video discussion today [topic - breathe] reaffirms how each of us is so different and hence Effective communication is a deep lesson!!! It's like one person is working with a Mac computer and another person is working with a PC, but regardless of the hard-wired differences, haha, we can still work toward the same goal, e.g. fundraising! This is neat!!!