Thursday, September 18, 2008

Lesson with David Swan :)


yep, so this is the picture that I have in mind...after having the lesson.

1) Framework
2) then I can organize different things
3) with precision
4) penetration - have to do it right...have the "right" way penetrates throughout
5) becomes automatic
6) then....accumulate the experience....

and...memorize as soon as possible

Reduce arms movement...the music makes me excited, that's why my arms move over-excitedly sometimes :)

different parts of the muscles...hands, palm, arms, shoulders and back...they'll be use differently :)

making music!! yay! :)

I'm praised for my sensitive touch, yay!

hm......yeah......He communicated SO well. My mind is clouded by many things, careers, missions. But David helps me to see clearly, the underlying theme through all these and most importantly, he helps me to see where the light is shinning through and the most important things - what matters!

He told me that I did something useful, helpful this summer! (I don't remember what words he uses to describe what I did, but that is the meaning that I got! :)

He asked if anyone comes to faith - yeah, some did ... and I've to follow up with that :)

hm....yeah, that's it....He helps me to clear my mind....this is something very very very important.

I love his's not the actual language language....but his language is so clean, so understandable, the flow and meaning, always with precision =)

Less is more!! Yay!

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