Sunday, June 15, 2008

DMBC team

The previous posting was made before I heard the news that our team was one of the three teams who stay 'till the end of the run!!!!!

I knew they would stay to the end! I felt their spirit when I headed home last night....your determination, lingers =)

This team doesn't say much, they just laugh and laugh and laugh even more through everything that they're doing!

'tho the weather was stormy last night, and they're exhausted from work, they stay for the full course of the race!!!! yay!!!

...a quiet string, a shining light, a sense of comfort, support, perseverance and confidence...

They share their hearts, their concern (though we're not close close close close friends, but you genuinely express your love, and your care to friends and family who're suffering) You draw us closer!!!

Thanks for building a bridge between one another, thanks for opening yourself and I feel your warm heartbeat!!!!! love ya!

The news report a chaotic world (earthquake in Japan, Prisoner's escape in Afghanistan, flooding in the States, H.K. and China) ... but I remember the quiet strength and perseverance on the track and field you guys uphold ---> The DMBC team!

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