Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"wake up, Susan; wake up, trees" by C.S. Lewis in Chronicles of Narnia

I came back from class ... Psychology of aging, we watched a video today about caregivers' stress - taking care of their aging parents. I have never seen / imagine human beings can be so gentle, caring, observant to the very needs of others who're aging and suffering from Alzheimer's Disease, stroke and dementia -- this is a very beautiful side of the world, and I'm compelled to be more gentle to people around me - A commitment to lock in His hands, I doubt I'll ever understand how to be gentle - genuinely gentle!

can't bear reading the news...
he's being so truthful though, at least he is being honest to the rest of the world, telling the truth of how he perceives things; but ... sigh ... sigh ... sigh ... sigh ... sigh

Music, art, they are so beautiful ... an irony to the cruel world

Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis - the youngest sister Lucy ... pushing her sister, Susan to wake up, wake up to search of Aslan ... Lucy leaning on the tree, also saying, "trees, wake up!"

The moment the Narnians thought they're abandoned, even trees in the forest retrieve into themselves and stop dancing ...

Wake up, wake up, to see again!!

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