Friday, February 4, 2011

Don't lose heart!

"Don't lose heart! Keep praying"
"Jesus says, "Go and learn the meaning of the words: Mercy is what pleases me, not sacrifice" (Matthew 9:13 and Hosea 6:6)

"Don't lose heart!" These words came to my mind yesterday, when I wanted to send Alan an email. Even though I ended up didn't use these same words, I was really surprised to hear the same words from Dr. David Sherbino at Chapel today, when he encouraged us to be the "encourager". - something that I've been constantly thinking about....ever since, I received...all the many gifts from Hannah again in girl's cell group...I cannot waste the kindness....and the gifts that I received from others...I must make use of them wisely and be an encouraging woman too.....

And for the Bible verse, I encountered....the Bible verse from Henri Nouwen's devotion yesterday....looking up the verse and its cross references in Hosea 6:6....not too sure I understand fully what it meant...and today... the same verse...I saw it was posted on the wall................this verse became so big and loud that it caught my I think that wall decoration has been posted there for a loong time, but for all these time I have never ever actually notice it..... hm...

Today....the food and snacks that were on the table caught my attention first....(I was wondering hm...who will get to eat the snack :P) and then I saw Iris walking my way...greeting..and right after when she went into the classroom...I saw this wall decoration marking this Bible verse...that I studied yesterday.

"Jesus says, "Go and learn the meaning of the words: Mercy is what pleases me, not sacrifice" (Matthew 9:13 and Hosea 6:6)

what does this mean? .... I wonder.

lately, I'm growing to understand that I must grow to become someone who's trust-worthy and responsible - and respect from others must be "earned".
While love is a free gift, now I need to focus on "earning" ... earning respect, and trust of others, making my living, and using my ability wisely

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