Wednesday, February 2, 2011

blizzard - fear of the Lord

This morning at 6 a.m. there was a blizzard. It was the thunder snowstorm which the news had been reporting the whole day yesterday. This morning when I got up. I watched the storm and it's so severe and it could easily blow anyone away. The wind and the snow were so strong and powerful that the visibility was real low.

The nature is so powerful beyond my imagination. I realize once again, how tiny and small I am on this planet earth, and still God cares for me. (His love is something that I cannot fathom.)

The nature always bring me closer to see God's power and magnificence. This morning brought me to a new level of understanding "reverential fear of God". It's those moments, I had new understanding of the power of God - and reaching a new level of reverential fear that brought me to a point that I could barely move or speak - I reached a new level of stillness.


"Be still, and know that I am God." Psalm 46:10

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