Sunday, January 30, 2011


Today is a normal blessed Sunday, I was surrounded by cell group and church people the whole day. It's very nice to visit evening chapel with DMBC people, and to get to see the other side of Colin too, who doesn't only sing, but share this time.

Lord, I pray that whenever I speak, I'll always speak simply and clearly too, just like the many people whom I admired - Kaarina, Yum, Queendy, and Colin ... so easy to understand them...and so easy to remember what they say.

Well, yeah, so I needed quiet time too....surrounded by people the whole day...I am happy but I need this quiet time right now :) hm....

the growth of relationship (any kind of relationship) truly depends on that absolutely solid place where we leave for Jesus (the one spot on our hearts), otherwise, no genuine nurturing relationship can be formed. - time for solitude

Help me to surrender my pride, self-consciousness, and jealousy to you, God.


Colin, the worship leader - I don't understand where comes his gentleness and serenity that always make people feeling so welcomed and respected Every Single time I see him.... unbelievable....I want to be like that too.... I think Colin really did draw people to the Lord rather than to himself...maybe, I'm not sure

Colin reminded me of Hudson Taylor's quote and my experience with OMF 3 years ago...
"God's work, done in God's way, will never lack God's supply." -Hudson Taylor


I'm still remembering Queendy today.... .
Queendy's life is impressive because she was dedicated and her passion was simple - with such simplicity, it nurtured her own artistic signature in dance, music and drama arts


Thank you for the quiet time, thank you for the friendship...tmw, I will need to shift my focus back to school work...
but yet, never ever ever forget to serve the needy, and be bold in giving....for if it is pleasing to the Lord, He will multiply....Don't forget to love others too....

Don't forget to turn your eyes upon the Lord, God, the creator of life.

Life is a wonderful gift. Love and live

"Be still, and know that I am God." (Psalm 46:10)

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