Friday, July 2, 2010

Thursday Lesson with David Swan

Mr. and Mrs. Swan -

I am amazed by my teacher's artistry

1) focus, definitely very focus and have a sense of direction
2) balance, simple and pure
3) I thank Lord for allowing me to meet a God-fearing teacher who truly honors the gift from God, uses it to do the work God wanted him to do, serves wholeheartedly for the good of other people, always strive for excellence, but never never, not even the slightest sense that this teacher will try to use this gift and talent from the Lord to "make money" for the sake of gaining great wealth.

4) easy-going, very easy to understand, someone who's understanding, yet, has his limit and keep his privacy

Yes, that's Art - they choose the work that they do (not out of arrogance or pride) but they limit what they do so they can perform with excellence

very humble man
not proud
do things in context (for example: know the character of a piece)
virtuosity: excellent and noble
humourous, fun, not dull, and entertaining



not forceful (sometimes I'd try to squeeze when I feel insecure and a result of bad habits - mannerism)


clear with great clarity

hard-working (always hard-working, their works are their statement :) and they will have lots of work to do)

Mr. Swan and I believe Mrs. Swan too - they show me all these amazing qualities out of fear of God and seeking after God's own heart every moment every day. I wish I'll meet Mrs. Swan one day.

I'm extremely touched and extremely inspired.

After playing softball yesterday (greatly appreciated Tim and Ian for teaching me to throw and catch) and realizing my limitation and knowing that's not my gifted area, I was inspired to yeah....recognize my area of strength and put more work into developing my skills.

Focus - and Seek after God's own heart :)
(Jenny Poon)


Canada day today :) what did you do today? I miss you a lot, a lot, a is Canada day. I thought of you every summer, in every random moment and event. craziness.

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