Saturday, July 10, 2010

cleaning up

After two week rests, finally I got up to do some cleaning up around the house.

Have always been spending so much time moving forward.....doing new things, buying new things....eager to spend every minute to read new postings or other "new" stuff...

yeah, who've time to spend going through old stuff.....

until...well yeah.....a moment to quiet down and look back!

Hannah from China emailed me today...she always reminded me of things that I said or pictures that I showed her TWO years ago...not only does everything that she says warmed my heart.......I am touched how deep friendship can be when two persons truly, genuinely open themselves......

This is Real. This is Real. I love real things....Always, Always like real things.

So for the past 2 quiet weeks, I have been going through old stuff, old pictures.........

real story, real blessings......

The story of my creator's hands in my life.....

rather than being caught up by the latest news fed or indulging in the emotions of the moment....which are all fleeting .... and.......... which values can vanish quickly...........

cleaning up and looking back cleanse my soul.....telling me very important things and giving me a sense of motivation that propel me forward.......

...the quiet time....

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