Monday, June 16, 2008

Hail - Ice in June

 around three in the afternoon while I was working on my paper...the hail started...

Lord, you're the Creator....the universe is much bigger than what we could think or imagine...

You're Lord! I remember your teaching that we are called to be kind to others and care about what's going on in our world!

right after the hail....look at the beautiful sky!!!
-- Do not just believe whatever you see on the surface ... but always believe at the end, there will be light!!!

Since Bible study with Kaarina last month, I have been reading letters written through Apostle Paul. I'm now on 2nd Corinthians - it's so encouraging and loving and intimate. Reading Mel's email written for Deanna last night, it truly enlightened me to see how powerful verse can mean to each of us when it's applied / use / rmb at the right time *touched!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

DMBC team

The previous posting was made before I heard the news that our team was one of the three teams who stay 'till the end of the run!!!!!

I knew they would stay to the end! I felt their spirit when I headed home last night....your determination, lingers =)

This team doesn't say much, they just laugh and laugh and laugh even more through everything that they're doing!

'tho the weather was stormy last night, and they're exhausted from work, they stay for the full course of the race!!!! yay!!!

...a quiet string, a shining light, a sense of comfort, support, perseverance and confidence...

They share their hearts, their concern (though we're not close close close close friends, but you genuinely express your love, and your care to friends and family who're suffering) You draw us closer!!!

Thanks for building a bridge between one another, thanks for opening yourself and I feel your warm heartbeat!!!!! love ya!

The news report a chaotic world (earthquake in Japan, Prisoner's escape in Afghanistan, flooding in the States, H.K. and China) ... but I remember the quiet strength and perseverance on the track and field you guys uphold ---> The DMBC team!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Relay for life - au mon coeur

Relay for life ... goes on rain or shine! [see previous posting for the cause of running]

nope, I didn't run for 12 hours....not even close, but DMBC team did...even during the rain and storm!!! :) Even though I was there for only a few hours, I really want to support this event. There're so many times, there're not much that we can do, but the spirit of perseverance . strives .

I'm really thankful for my supportive parents, I don't know what to say to express my gratitude. ... Wishing my aunt a successful recovery!


Teaching music on the weekend

Music school, one of the places that provides me feelings of security - a place that I grow up with, a place that nourishes spirits that focuses not only on scholarships, but musicality, genuine attitude, honesty and well-being. I can't deny the profit-driven motive behind schools, but ... so many times, I appreciate schools helping to set the foundation for healthy community.


Lord, please guide, let me acknowledge Your work when my emotions overflow! Praise~*

Friday, June 13, 2008


Grace - "找到那可以具體着力的點" - 龍應台和兒子的信

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

"wake up, Susan; wake up, trees" by C.S. Lewis in Chronicles of Narnia

I came back from class ... Psychology of aging, we watched a video today about caregivers' stress - taking care of their aging parents. I have never seen / imagine human beings can be so gentle, caring, observant to the very needs of others who're aging and suffering from Alzheimer's Disease, stroke and dementia -- this is a very beautiful side of the world, and I'm compelled to be more gentle to people around me - A commitment to lock in His hands, I doubt I'll ever understand how to be gentle - genuinely gentle!

can't bear reading the news...
he's being so truthful though, at least he is being honest to the rest of the world, telling the truth of how he perceives things; but ... sigh ... sigh ... sigh ... sigh ... sigh

Music, art, they are so beautiful ... an irony to the cruel world

Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis - the youngest sister Lucy ... pushing her sister, Susan to wake up, wake up to search of Aslan ... Lucy leaning on the tree, also saying, "trees, wake up!"

The moment the Narnians thought they're abandoned, even trees in the forest retrieve into themselves and stop dancing ...

Wake up, wake up, to see again!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Relay for Life

The Canadian Cancer Society Relay For Life is an overnight non-competitive relay that celebrates cancer survivors and pays tribute to loved ones. It's a night of fun, friendship and fundraising to beat cancer. Together with the other members of DMBC team, I will be participating in the Toronto - Toronto West event on 13 June 2008.

Why I Relay -

hearing friends and family ... who're affected by the disease, I'm compelled to support this event...On this Friday, I'll be wearing a t-shirt with my koo jeh's name on it, even though physically I cannot do anything, I want to support her as she goes through the treatments!! And I sincerely wish her a successful recovery!!!

My family will come out and support this run, and we'll do this also in remembrance of my poh poh. Please come out and support!


Sunday, June 8, 2008


The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince of Caspian

We'll walk through the journey, and there is no short cut =)

It parallels the spiritual walk with all these imageries. I find the movie so touching ;) C.S. Lewis = a great writer = clear, understandable, inspiring, creative

--> what if we really believe and interpret His Word correctly, and live - that is so powerful

..."wake up, wake up, Susan", Lucy says...


I remember, I remember ...
This morning when I woke up, maybe coz of the warm, hot weather ... I rmb Québec...
I'm only a feeler...I remember the feeling sitting in the dorm room in the morning - being in a rush in shower room, feeling energetic and getting ready for all the fun during the day


... Aslan ... the same story doesn't happen twice ... but He will stay unchange =) believe.


The movie reminds me of my friends, even when we go onto different paths, and we're meant to go on different paths ... :*)

sad news in Japan today... I thought of ah Yum during the movie, and after watching the news clip...

I'm not quite a reliable person, because I can change my mind quickly, but I'll lock my committment in Him, He's my safe, so I will remember.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

walking in the rain (on st. george =)

Walking in the rain / on St. George / T.A., teacher, Emily and I / after midterm for PSY 313 psychology of aging / Emily and teacher are so much fun talking about Montreal...(their home town) ...

I feel so so so supported by them ... even though, they're just being there!!!! So many times people don't know why I picked PSY / so many times...thinking about this is such a long way to go, and I probably won't be able to find a job that would allow me to write report and continue with research / and today...when I was studying at home, reading about the various kind of disorders, declining biological functions associated with's sooo depressing, reading about the disorders is just SCARY!!!!

But ... in a supportive class environment.....with siu mui mui Emily ^__^ who's SOOO nice and helpful sending me load and loads of research opportunity is ... very good and fulfilling! hee hee

I went into PSY because I remembered two years ago, on the Rotman magazine, there was an article...saying that in 2030...depression would become even more prevalent ... This is again validated in an after-class chatting with the teacher....and the reasons are because of work stress...isolation, and all other factors, I'm not sure.

Anyway...I probably won't go that far helping anyway...But as little as I can contribute to the field...I still really want to do it!!!

This past Sunday, was my 3rd recital for my piano students at Pro-Music - my first year listening to my students playing on stage - my kids are lovely that they actually practice, and they want to do well! I finally see myself being able to teach Gr. 5, and grades beyond Gr. 5 Piano! I've to learn to teach...but this experience is so rich, so enjoyable and lovely! Thanks to my teacher, Robert Gernburd and my current teacher David Swan - their concentration, how they brought me into the music world, refining my perception to sounds and music, the whole playing the piano thing incorporating and reflecting my whole being, lifestyles, strengths and weaknesses...this is just SO cool!!!! And Ms. Meizhi Bi's award winning students' recital....altogether, it creates a community, a nurturing community =)

It'd be so nice if music and psy are combined ... let's continue to dream on ^_^

Mom, thank you!

Once, I experience love like a little pond, like a puddle of water I could tip my foot in and make a seemingly exciting...blash!

Then, I find out, love from the family is like a swimming pool that allows me to swim, swim freely :)

And then ... I realize it's not the right analogy ... you're like air and an ocean, so huge, so vast, yet invisible; surrounded me and I won't realize what you've done for me until one moment...suddenly ... I realized. ....A quiet string ~ 愛的柔絲 . 深藏的愛