Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Elizabeth's back - desserts!!

I'm just so blessed to be with our girls bbs group!!
aww........everytime.....after hanging out with you girls...chatting / listening...oh...our random chatting...laughing...I just have SO much life!! I don't even know why!!! but it's just so lively and human...it's not just about work, it's not just about feelings...but I just received so much so much from being with you girls....lively human being in different stages of life, living in different cities...holding different occupations...this is just So Interesting....I truly love our time together.

There are so many thoughts and feelings inside of me......because of the Christmas busyness these days...

Plus, bumping into the piano teacher of both my brother and I...during breakfast yesterday....it's just too shocking...and....oh no.................unethical...unethical....I was glad that my mom was there though.

Dear Father God, I'm truly glad that we have You, truly glad, please continue to teach us and guide us...it's very hard to live without You!

Yes....and lately, I also think about boys too.......a righteous man seeking after God's own heart....someone who understand me and love me..... Relationship could be the most complicated thing there can be...... but it can also be very simple and enriching. I'm glad that I no longer afraid of being who I am, and start liking and feeling comfortable to be around people that are like me!! yeah, I start to appreciate people who are like me...well and yeah, of course those who are different from me :) I don't know! yeah, it's time to grow up :)

Father God, thank you for the friends you put into my life....May I grow to be a friend of yours too....oh, far from close....far far from close!!

Music - "I'm far from close to know who you are"

blessed to be at Tyndale! blessed to meet all my friends there :) Janice :))

Lately, I'm also truly hoping that I can put to use, my skills and strength, I wanted to serve so badly, everything that You have taught me....all the resources and materials that You've given me...I want to use them...I want to use and exercise the gifts that you've given me So badly...truly truly truly!

I'm also hoping that I'll meet a band that we can play music together, I can play the piano, but music is for connecting people together.... is to bring people together so that everyone can emerge into the rhythm and harmony!!! yeah........I'm not good at music, but I know I can grow to be a better pianist. I hope to experience that connectedness with a group of people within a band...once again! I really really hope that I can put my music gifts to use too!! I pr.

I pr. and pr. that what I truly know......will come through.....that it would not just stay inside of me.

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