Friday, December 31, 2010

the last day of 2010

The last day of the first decade of the Millenium
man...I love school, and the readings too, but....there are really............a lot of reading >.<
Psychology - to understand people at a little bit deeper level would always be helpful
to prepare for ministry
To understand the NT at a little bit deeper level - would always help to realize the value of the Bible a little bit more.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

highly concentrated

Tomorrow is going to be the last day of 2010 ...
what did you do this year?


let's start with what I did today...

Today in my lesson with David Swan, we talked about playing Hindemith. (1st movement - it's not like military, but like surging waves, a sensation. Different from the battle scene in the Narnia movie yesterday that got me excited, I was like if I'm stronger, I'd become a soldier and fight my sword. Except that, my calling is not to become a soldier, but a counsellor who by conversation reach people at a deeper level, feel what they felt and sensibly guide people to open up spaces for changes) This is kind of neat to have all these realization while I am learning piano, I think.

While playing, one also needs to make decision - how to play and express each part according to the musical markings and dynamics and in relation to the other parts!!

We also talked about mental flexibility - because if anyone ever put an electron into a pianist brain and see which part of the brain that's activated the most when they do all those delicate things on the piano, it'd be so cool...and yeah, practicing by using varient, alternating our hands to play different part, ex. using the left hand to play the soprano - not only will this increase mental flexibility, but yeah, add playfulness to the art too!!

And, Really, Art is about its playfulness :) This echoes the saying of many great music teachers :)

hm..... yeah...

many things happened in 2010 yeah, quite some.....yet, still grateful...very grateful!

Saying goodbye to Commerce, Finally! :)
hm....the passing of my 3 goo jeh - reminder to spend time wisely
the beginning of Tyndale...
No more math, numbers, but a lot of readings and writing and talking to people and listening to people, which I just Looove! Love! very intellectually stimulating...a lot of good friends...good, all good!
dying 3 times to my old self in the past year...yeah, dying! and living the new me!

It's just really exciting to follow the guidance of G. It's an experience that I cannot put into words. Learning so many new things about myself, others, and yet, truly finding that ground where I am called to stand. And. To stand!

Thanks to Janice, who graciously help me to know myself better!
Thanks to all the people who have appeared in my life, for your presence, friendship...yeah and sometimes....for the opportunity to fight too :) Fight, and then again get reconciled...fight and then get to know one another better....thanks for sharing the joy and the tears...

I'm getting fat, yeah, fat....because I didn't exercise enough....I didn't do a lot of work!

In the new year :) I have to serve More! because, really....for all the many many resources that I am given, I need to effectively use them...or they'll be wasted!!!

Lord, Help me to be a better servant of yours, a friend of yours, and to remember to give and willingly, freely receive :)

The more we give, the more we gather.

Love. Peace out now - 2011 in 1 day!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

2010 transitioning to 2011

Grace - Be still . faith in action - raw, passionate *heart 2010 - It is profound; it's natural and simple

Nichole Nordeman - Legacy

I don't mind if you've got something nice to say about me
And I enjoy an accolade like the rest
You could take my picture and hang it in a gallery
Of all who's who and so-n-so's that used to be the best
At such'n'such ... it wouldn't matter much

I won't lie, it feels alright to see your name in lights
We all need an 'Atta boy' or 'Atta girl'
But in the end I'd like to hang my hat on more besides
The temporary trappings of this world

I want to leave a legacy
How will they remember me?
Did I choose to love? Did I point to You enough
To make a mark on things?
I want to leave an offering
A child of mercy and grace who
blessed your name unapologetically

And leave that kind of legacy

I don't have to look too far or too long awhile
To make a lengthly list of all that I enjoy
It's an accumulating trinket and a treasure pile
Where moth and rust, thieves and such will soon enough destroy

Not well traveled, not well read, not well-to-do or well bred
Just want to hear instead, "Well Done" good and faithful one...

Nichole Nordeman - Why

Then Jesus said to his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me." ~ Matthew 16:24

"As a prisoner for the Lord, then, [Apostle Paul] urges [me] to live a life worthy of the calling [I] have received. Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love. Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." ~ Ephesians 4:1-3

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Song - Where's the Line to See Jesus?

Christmas time was approaching, the snow is starting to fall
Shoppers choosing their presents, people filling the mall
Children waiting for Santa with excitement and glee
A little boy tugged my sweater, looked up and asked me

Where's the line to see Jesus? Is He here at the store?
If Christmas time is His birthday, why don't we see Him more?

As I stood in amazement at this message profound, I looked down to thank him,
he was no where around.
The little boy at the mall might as well have had wings

As the tears filled my eyes, I thought I heard him say,
Where's the line to see Jesus? Is He here at the store?
If Christmas time is His birthday, why don't we see Him more?
Where's the line to see Jesus? He was born for me.
Santa Claus brought me presents, but Christ gave His life for me.

In the blink of an eye, at the sound of His trump
We'll all stand in line at His throne.
Every knee shall bow down, every tongue will confess
That Jesus Christ is Lord.
Where's the line to see Jesus? Is He here at the store?

If Christmas time is His birthday, why don't we see Him more?
Where's the line to see Jesus? He was born for me.
Santa Claus brought me presents, but Christ gave His life for me.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Elizabeth's back - desserts!!

I'm just so blessed to be with our girls bbs group!!
aww........everytime.....after hanging out with you girls...chatting / listening...oh...our random chatting...laughing...I just have SO much life!! I don't even know why!!! but it's just so lively and's not just about work, it's not just about feelings...but I just received so much so much from being with you girls....lively human being in different stages of life, living in different cities...holding different occupations...this is just So Interesting....I truly love our time together.

There are so many thoughts and feelings inside of me......because of the Christmas busyness these days...

Plus, bumping into the piano teacher of both my brother and I...during breakfast's just too shocking...and....oh no.................unethical...unethical....I was glad that my mom was there though.

Dear Father God, I'm truly glad that we have You, truly glad, please continue to teach us and guide's very hard to live without You!

Yes....and lately, I also think about boys too.......a righteous man seeking after God's own heart....someone who understand me and love me..... Relationship could be the most complicated thing there can be...... but it can also be very simple and enriching. I'm glad that I no longer afraid of being who I am, and start liking and feeling comfortable to be around people that are like me!! yeah, I start to appreciate people who are like me...well and yeah, of course those who are different from me :) I don't know! yeah, it's time to grow up :)

Father God, thank you for the friends you put into my life....May I grow to be a friend of yours too....oh, far from close....far far from close!!

Music - "I'm far from close to know who you are"

blessed to be at Tyndale! blessed to meet all my friends there :) Janice :))

Lately, I'm also truly hoping that I can put to use, my skills and strength, I wanted to serve so badly, everything that You have taught me....all the resources and materials that You've given me...I want to use them...I want to use and exercise the gifts that you've given me So badly...truly truly truly!

I'm also hoping that I'll meet a band that we can play music together, I can play the piano, but music is for connecting people together.... is to bring people together so that everyone can emerge into the rhythm and harmony!!! yeah........I'm not good at music, but I know I can grow to be a better pianist. I hope to experience that connectedness with a group of people within a band...once again! I really really hope that I can put my music gifts to use too!! I pr.

I pr. and pr. that what I truly know......will come through.....that it would not just stay inside of me.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

dear Ti-ger

oh, Ti-ger, you're the most loveliest cat that I've ever seen, you're so beautiful! I have never been so close with you, so close, so close....

when I tried to hold you in the past, you always run away. Ti-ger, the most beautiful cat, your eyes are so bright... I will remember your stare.

Ti-ger, the most beautiful've reminded me that it's not about pleasing others, but genuinely loving and being interested in another...

Ti-ger is Beautiful!!! years-long relationship of love is the most sparkling thing....


Yum: giving 'till it hurts

Kaarina and the girls' cell group

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas is almost here

When you're truly in love...
The world become still and silence
No word can better express the love that's felt that's indescribable that can only be experienced

...I was thinking is an invisible bond, powerful, yet indescribable almost become too abstract... after sitting for a while with this, feeling mesmerized...

Something so abstract makes me feel insecure....

Until. That moment when love is transformed into actions that bring people together

Kindness in words, in actions, and in cares - the essence of our humanness that's seen through our connection, living in this one world together because of Christ Jesus

Tyndale Chapel Podcast
Dec. 7, 2010 Dr. Dr. Kevin Livingston
The Genealogy of Jesus the Messiah

The Humble King

Oh kneel me down again
Here at Your feet
Show me how much You love

Oh spirit be the star
That leads me to
The humble heart of love
I see in You

Cuz You are the God of the broken
The friend of the weak
You wash the feet of the weary
Embrace the ones in need
And I want to be like you Jesus
To have this heart in me
You are the God of the humble
You are the humble King