p. 37 As Moses draws near he hears the voice of God calling from the fiery bush, and he responds, "Here am I" (Ex 3:4). It is this response that makes possible all that is to follow. This response opens up the lines of communication between God and Moses and begins a long discussion between them. This conversation lasts his whole life. Once we open up the lines of communication and respond in faith, then our lives are changed. Faith makes possible the response and teh recognition that God has something to do with our day to day lives.
p. 38 Each person recognizes God's call in his or her life through his or her own unique circumstances. For some it is at the right ime and in the way that can be responded to by curiosity. For others it is at the right time and in a way that they need help in clarifying the call. God still speaks to us today and the "call" is present in today's world. "We do know that there is a type of inner experience which has this kind of numinosity and compelling power, and that there is such an experience as being called from within to a special mission in life." Each person is called by God where he or she is and in a very different and unique way. The invitation to vocation, to do something special with our lives, does not usually descend upon us from external authorities, appearing predominantly as a "should" or duty. Rather, it is something from within us in our gifts, talents, abilities and best insights. Vocation takes root through the influence of loved ones, family, the witness of the community, caring mentors and guides, and a willingness to enter into conversation with God. Some people have an inner sense of God's call and know how to respond. Others only have clues, vague hunches and raw talents and need the help of a vocational counselor.
Moses grows and changes through his lifetime. Moses, by his vocational response, becomes like a finely tuned string and resonates at the same vibration as the creator. Moses becomes attuned in his whole being to God. It is this attunement that is continually being refined, corrected, affirmed and experienced at each stage of development.
The vocation of Moses is to liberate the people of God from their bondage. (p. 40) Moses invited the people to believe - to believe in faith and then act for liberation.
A covenant relationship (Ex 20: 1 - 20)
- Growing conversation with God in vocation
"the leap of faith meant leaving something and claiming something" (p. 41)
"Christian vocation may be described as setting aside our fears and our ego-centered work and embracing God's dream." (p. 42)
"God's call is not a one-time act but a lifetime of dreaming, imaging, and responding."
"Vocation always requires continuing nurture, clarifying, and purifying as we contnually seek to know and understand what God is about in our lives."
"We are invited by teh call to fulfill God's divine purpose to participate in fellowship, hope, and become instruments of God's love in action to others."
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