Thursday, May 27, 2010

R.I.P. my aunt

I just learned the news when I woke up this morning that my aunt had passed away yesterday in HK. She’s a very dear aunt to me because she took care of me when I was alone in HK when I was 19. We knew that this is coming about a month ago and this incidence just reminded me how short and fleeting life is. Although we don’t have control of time, I was reminded to seize every opportunity to live my life to the fullest each day.

It’s never too late to love, to forgive, to work and to find the job of your dream that resonate with the calling of life. I learned to see what’s important. Love never ceases and mercies remain. The kindness my aunt had once shown me inspired me to care about others who have other needs.

Jesus walked with me in the course that I took and through daily devotion as He prepares me to learn what death is…

Jesus Mourns

Jesus, the Blessed One, mourns. Jesus mourns when his friend Lazarus dies (see John 11:33-36); he mourns when he overlooks the city of Jerusalem, soon to be destroyed (see Luke 19:41-44). Jesus mourns over all losses and devastations that fill the human heart with pain. He grieves with those who grieve and sheds tears with those who cry.

The violence, greed, lust, and so many other evils that have distorted the face of the earth and its people causes the Beloved Son of God to mourn. We too have to mourn if we hope to experience God's consolation.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

appreciating the softball team...and what I learn

I understand how it feels when you're the worst in the team.....

I know how vulnerable that feels....and if there is any slightest sense of frustration.....that could have destroyed that person! I appreciated the team which allowed me to experience what's genuine kindness was like... it's beyond what I could imagine...

I owe you guys this......I should work extra hard, when I'm given any opportunity to serve next time.

I have to always always always keep this in mind...

to be gentle and patient - and completely humble (Ephesians 4:1-3)

Especially when I teach piano!


Sunday, May 23, 2010

Softball Practice 03

Thanks Jess for the bandage :)

Thanks people...for teaching me batting...catching and throwing........I'm really touched....

and you guys run so fast and jump so high and catch so well too!!

Father Lord, I know you're slowly changing me in everything...thank you for the courage to step onto the field....thank you for your guidance.

left hand = blister
right hand = small peeling...

but I felt Very happy....I'll practice the swing...

and you guys are truly very changed me inside out because of your genuine kindness... Lord Jesus, Your truth...


Wendy...thanks so much for praying for my interview.....I'll continue to prepare....thanks for the encouragement.

Thanks Zenia for the companion...

And cell group sincere sharing...I learn so much from all of you...mel, Zen, Jen, Elton; I'm glad that we had cell group last night.

Jer's quote of the day - "the weak humble the strong"
your wife is so kind...

With love.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

learning practically - lesson with David

If the passage is more difficult a passage - the more at ease and relax I'll need to be (my arms and my shoulders tend to get tense)

reaching and playing the notes - you don't have to be there earlier than you need to be

Let go - taking the breaks off (don't get stuck)

Amateur playing sometimes should sound better than professional player ....because they should be more free to express rather than always aiming just for perfection

Playing Hindemith's sonata 3rd movement: You've to have that inner urge....motivated to play it...not just getting the timing right.

Should be doing all 3 things together...

1/ Getting the timing right
2/ knowing that you're motivated by an inner urge....
3/ Learn the notes

If the music sounds good, most of the time, it's right - don't learn everything...but miss the whole point....

"Your instinct is right"

David says....learn to let go - so many times....I am afraid to get hurt...and I'll always....Try to prepare early, and because I arrived earlier...I'll have to put on the break, before I actually play the notes...

this compulsion makes thing too complicated...I should aremember that I don't have to be there earlier than I need to be.

Let go - don't be afraid - your music will become more free ... and flowing :)

Realized this from playing the piano - You gotta let go (surrender) before you can achieve more....hoping my piano playing will improve :)

David Swan is my teacher...

Father Lord, I will let you guide me.

still preparing..."Choosing Your Career, Finding Your Vocation

p. 39 I watnt o find out God's calling for me and to fulfill His purpose

p. 37 As Moses draws near he hears the voice of God calling from the fiery bush, and he responds, "Here am I" (Ex 3:4). It is this response that makes possible all that is to follow. This response opens up the lines of communication between God and Moses and begins a long discussion between them. This conversation lasts his whole life. Once we open up the lines of communication and respond in faith, then our lives are changed. Faith makes possible the response and teh recognition that God has something to do with our day to day lives.

p. 38 Each person recognizes God's call in his or her life through his or her own unique circumstances. For some it is at the right ime and in the way that can be responded to by curiosity. For others it is at the right time and in a way that they need help in clarifying the call. God still speaks to us today and the "call" is present in today's world. "We do know that there is a type of inner experience which has this kind of numinosity and compelling power, and that there is such an experience as being called from within to a special mission in life." Each person is called by God where he or she is and in a very different and unique way. The invitation to vocation, to do something special with our lives, does not usually descend upon us from external authorities, appearing predominantly as a "should" or duty. Rather, it is something from within us in our gifts, talents, abilities and best insights. Vocation takes root through the influence of loved ones, family, the witness of the community, caring mentors and guides, and a willingness to enter into conversation with God. Some people have an inner sense of God's call and know how to respond. Others only have clues, vague hunches and raw talents and need the help of a vocational counselor.

Moses grows and changes through his lifetime. Moses, by his vocational response, becomes like a finely tuned string and resonates at the same vibration as the creator. Moses becomes attuned in his whole being to God. It is this attunement that is continually being refined, corrected, affirmed and experienced at each stage of development.

The vocation of Moses is to liberate the people of God from their bondage. (p. 40) Moses invited the people to believe - to believe in faith and then act for liberation.

A covenant relationship (Ex 20: 1 - 20)

- Growing conversation with God in vocation

"the leap of faith meant leaving something and claiming something" (p. 41)

"Christian vocation may be described as setting aside our fears and our ego-centered work and embracing God's dream." (p. 42)

"God's call is not a one-time act but a lifetime of dreaming, imaging, and responding."

"Vocation always requires continuing nurture, clarifying, and purifying as we contnually seek to know and understand what God is about in our lives."

"We are invited by teh call to fulfill God's divine purpose to participate in fellowship, hope, and become instruments of God's love in action to others."

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

GO Bus

I felt that Richmond Hill and Mississauga were connected......


Taking the buses every other day....and bumping into all these random acquintance...and becoming friends...I felt special

Hong treated me for lunch today...

One day, I'll bring her and another lady I met on the Go bus together, and we'll have lunch at Square One one day....

The common factor between them:

They're both very nice
They're from Beijing
One from the University of Beijing, another one from Shin Wah

Different professions:

one is from medicine, another is from software engineering....

This is just so cool!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Come Lord, Jesus Come

"Come Lord, Jesus, Come" is a tune that I learnd from S.F. course...and it keeps reoccuring in my head lately.

Today when I went to Tyndale to get a book for Brian, I visited the library for my first time. Wow...library...discovering so many treasures...and they're FREE to borrow....I was excited.

I was happy to bump into my classmate too......He has such kindness and gentleness that is so welcoming.

then, I bumped into my first teacher at this school, visiting the book store...This teacher always gives full attention to the person he is talking to. I had experienced how that felt like....He didn't see me, but seeing this teacher made me feel quite happy :)

hm....dinner with San San....I wish..........our conversation can truly disclose who we are and our deepest emotions and desires. I wish our frienship can grow.

Excerpt from books -

Jesus guided, instructed, rebuked, encouraged, and taught His disciples. He was the true counselor.
- Jay E. Adams

Matthew 16:27
For the Son of Man is going to come in his Father's glory with his angels, and then he will reward each person according to what he has done.

Hebrews 4:12, 13
For the Word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.

Hebrews 9:27
Just as man is destined to die once, and after that to face judgement

Colossians 1:28
We proclaim him, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ.

2 Corinthians 5:10 (NASB)
"for we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ, that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad."

"The pastor's task will be to help him to alter sinful life patterns that may have developed in response to the chemical disorder. These may include bad human relationships resulting from suspicion, withdrawal from others, etc. / As a calling he must be a pastor/teacher who faithfully leads God's flock in the paths of righteousness and feeds them upon 'every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."
(p. 11, The Christian Counselor's Manual, Jay E. Adams)

"Just as all Christians may give witness to their faith, which involves an informal proclamation of the Word, so all Christians may (indeed, must) do counseling.
(p. 12, The Christian Counselor's Manual, Jay E. Adams)

"This means that persons with a life-calling to do counseling ought to prepare for the work of the ministry and seek ordination, since God describes a life-calling to counseling as the life-calling of a minister.
(p. 12)

"The best training for Christian counseling is a good seminary education to provide a solid biblical and theological background."
(p. 12)

Rely on the Word, the Spirit, and the Church (p.12)

A harmonious, loving body

Bring myself under the authority of Christ vested in His church (p.13)

Qualifications in a Counselor (p.14)
1. Scriptural knowledge of the will of God (Romans 15:14 - the Gospel of God - Loving God and loving one another as myself)

2. Divine wisdom in one's relationships to others
Colossians 3:16 "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God."

3. Good will and concern for other members of the body of Christ
Romans 15:14

Personal Qualification (p. 14)
1 Timothy

- personal fitness of the man in general
- he must be a man of faith and hope
- As a man of faith, he will believe the promises of God

In the Scriptures God promises to change me who repent my sins and walk according to His commandments.

- As a man of faith he becomes also a man of hope.

The means that the orientation will be toward God's solutions, not merely toward man's problems.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

my first soft ball practice

they're Narnians on the field....they're So Ian....

hm....throwing...catching and hard.....

my arms and body movement are not in sync... it necessary that I overcome the fear of those little fast-moving things......

balls..... >.< sigh....

hee hee...I don't know why I join....honestly, but I really hope that I can learn one team sport.....

even though....I'm bad with balls...

the ball...hit my head today... *_* it still hurt right now....

I hope I will continue to go to each practice this summer...... :)