Sunday, May 31, 2009

a sweet aroma

Last Thursday =)
Grace - a foggy evening, misty air, the shadow of trees from afar ... light shine through

Saturday, May 30, 2009

home visit

she came to Toronto, I'll see her tmw!!! =)

Thursday, May 28, 2009


From Kaarina's BBS last Fri -
Grace - if you hold up a shield with your left hand, half of it will protect yourself, and the other half will cover ur neighbour


Yesterday -
Freshness of the grass, moist in the air -- one fine aroma


Finally finished "Redeeming Love" yesterday - a book some of the girls have read before...
Reading this beautiful love story which is based on the Book of Hosea almost torn my heart into pieces, =) so I've to read it and finish reading it quickly ... because hope and real love is found at the very very end!

A journey...very sensibly described.


A foggy evening
driving down the valley on Warden ....looking at the shadow of the trees from afar ... light shinning through the fog...

I can't help, but feeling Very romantic

I remember that day when we're all standing in the mist waiting for our car fix in China...
Andrea, Heidi, Karen, 3 boys, & Ralph
Didn't expect that moment would make history


The experience canoeing through the valley in Quebec ^_^

I love the smell of fresh air!


Elton has completed the lyrics for the Father's Day (for the children to sing)
Dorcas had started practicing the skit she wrote with the children last week
Both so creative, so amirable, I'm amazed we come together and achieve more... (my team!)


Piano class with David -
reading more novel helps me to comprehend better ... enriching the expression
(something tender)

Friday, May 22, 2009

The full armour of God

Grace 31:15 - Earth - the wondrous Creation - the genuine truth, purity, courage, struggles & harmony

Really enjoyed watching earth last weekend!!


BBS at Kaarina's place tonight (thanks for feeding me - my love for Swiss chalet quarter pound chicken)

Blessed with my girls!!! ^_^
We're studying the book of Ephesians - a call for community
a call to change my own self - to respond, then act accordingly
my life is also about people around me
Grace - if you hold up a shield with your left hand, half of it will protect yourself, and the other half will cover ur neighbour

A call also to joy, fun and love -- Love my girls who're all so beautiful and tasteful and fun
hoping to visit Rahier sometimes for cake & croissant sometimes 7:30 a.m. he he

Father, if You've blessed me with a gift, I'll use that to glorify You - my commitment


Mandi's wedding coming up - so nervous...totally going to slip >.< practice practice practice!!!
don't sweat! honest

ask yourself -

what fills your mind?
& what breaks your heart?

... just be honest!


Lesson from David today -
"you do your part, the vocal singer will take care of theirs..."

me to myeslf: Yes, I'll do my part. Focus ... Concentrate

Lesson from David earlier -
"Don't lose your audiences"

me to myself: You've to be ON. Focus + Excellence

Thursday, May 21, 2009

exhausted - I MUST GET MORE REST!

rushing from places to places....

So thankful for God's protection...I was so tired, head was a little dizzy while I was driving >.< ~* Came back from lesson with David... I love performance, but listening to David...then I know what are those techniques that were missing, but my teacher is SO encouraging. =) I love art performance ... One must be so confident, so well prepare in order to give that graceful presentation ^__^ One must be so confident that she can loosen up so the real artistic quality can come through!!!! the most comfortable environment / atmosphere for me to feel myself!!! Performance - you've to be so immersed into Everything has to be so natural, otherwise the performance will become pretentious (I'm natural IF I don't have to worry about the technical difficulties =) hee hee, so overcome the technical parts ^__^ It's more difficult to be natural than overcoming technical difficulties!! he he)


concentrate and focus - so I can get through the many many things that I needed to do.
STOP THINKING while you're driving - REGINE, this is VERY VERY dangerous. Lord, thanks for protecting me tonight.
(I was staring at the tornado-like cloud in the sky tonight while I was driving home, and then my car was quickly drifting to the side... sigh sigh... so glad that I realize it quickly.)


I'm so tired and exhausted...but there is still a burning passion that keeps me going, doing and finishing everything that I've picked up.... why? what's happening here?

there is a purpose...

I love what I'm doing...

I don't know why this is happening...

I need more time to rest.


Love Alan's Wedding last week. He finally married a REAL artist. Now I understand where his preference is coming from, it's all originated from this pure love in the very very beginning. Lily is Beautiful and Natural!!!! ^__^ like a child, he he!!!! Love people who're genuine and natural and fun loving!!!

It takes time to know a person!
Time will tell you what a person truly is!!!!!!

Alan Lee haha....a business man! haha, his wife truly helps bringing out the best side of him!!! hahaha ^__^ May God continue to bless their marriage as they're faithfully trusting the Lord.


I'm so glad to get to know my friends!!!


Sunday, May 10, 2009

Grace - Happy Mother's day!

Regine - "it came about as a choice and not an epiphany ..." - introspective exertion

Grace 31:15 love grows ... Facts <-- Faith <-- Feelings - a Promise, an Event & the experience - .Alpha.