Monday, October 24, 2011

issue with working 'till the last min

I am so thankful that our presentation went well. If we were to present last week, it would have been a mess. But because the teacher was sick and cancelled the class last minute, we have a whole week to refine - and fine tune things.

Things were organized, well-prepared. I pray that I will always build in the one week buffer time in all the work that I do in this future.

Build in the buffer, so that I will be able to respond to surprises that I am not in control - especially now I have to deal with people all the time, the people factor is difficult to manage, and it is often out of my control.

Being able to flexibly respond to changes is an important characteristics of a leader.

- after our presentation in leadership development

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Dear Kaarina, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR SHARING WITH US YOUR SECRET. This is the best secret of success I have ever ever heard.

Thank you for speaking into my life, our lives. :) Thank you... Sorry sisters, sorry people, sorry family....I have hurt you and said blunt things and didn't love you more than I love work and responsibility. Sorry that I have acted foolish because I am foolish. Thank you for affirming my growth, and thank you for the love you have for me.

Lord, help me to be careful not to do things just for the sake of reciprocality, or for my own self-protective reasons.....I have done enough of those things, and neither were they pleasing nor were they good. Help me to change, Lord! Help me to remember the Secret, Also :)