Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Perichoresis - Living the Dance

3 weeks ago - School Orientation
last week - 1st week of classes - Even 'tho I had taken one course last semester, this first week was still...spent trying to adapt to the new environment, meeting people & the student council and introducing myself the other 1st year.

=)) the first week of school in the fall was different from the experience taking one night class last term.

There were commencement, chapels, more people, more courses, and I felt all the more...stress.
Retreat weekend - camp fire
This week - 2nd week of classes

Thank you, Lord for the wonder that you put into my life.
Thank you Lord, for Kaarina, the Dean of Student Life

So I'm continuing to do what I have been doing in the past couple of years - Reading ... and highlighting the pages & my favorite quotes :) haha...and the only difference is now I have a whole community of Faith where we can express our own thoughts, interact, support, challenge and sharpen one another... This is the Best!!!

We are here to get trained to communicate clearly, authentically and lovely. Living a life worthy of the Grace that we received from Christ Jesus :)

The President said last week - if you come to Tyndale, taking all the courses, but do not learn how to love God and one another, You have learn nothing.

He encouraged us to remember the gentle "tuck" of God on our Hearts.

Kaarina encouraged us by Jeremiah 9:23 -24 "Not to boast in anything but one thing"

I wasn't able to handle four courses...I was in a mess last week, mentally, emotionally a little. But dropping the NT History makes me feel better, and more able to focus on the reading.

Actually..... :)) Everything I read last week...had basically slipped through my mind.

Yes.....So now I'm On the 2nd Week :))

Reading the beautiful risk by James H. Olthuis

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Community of Faith - To You belongs the highest Praise

Living the dance in the next three years

God, to You belongs the highest Praise

Since 3 years ago, after the mission trip to China, my path to study in the seminary has lined up. Seminary is the last place I'd ever imagine myself to be. I had never imagine myself studying in the seminary. God Himself has been guiding me through all these journeys.

2006 Summer DMBC & Kaarina's Bible study group
2006 Dec Urbana
2008 Mission trip
2009 working at Rogers (meeting friends along the way taking Go bus) - becoming a person filled with warmth because I really enjoyed my co-workers despite all the politics and rumours. Saved up enough tuition to pursue further education
2010 Jan - my first course in Spiritual formation with Dr. David Sherbino

And I am thankful for people in my life who really did leave a footprint in my life, Vincent Law, Ah Yum, DMBC (All of you), Kaarina & Girls' cell group, Melodie Chan and Dr. David Swan, my piano teacher and my family.

All of you have helped me to grow to become a more practical person and yet not lose sight of who I am created to be, you've shown me so much beyond I could ever imagine. Thank you Father, God.

Praise the Lord, that I am here, @ Tyndale, today, where I feel home, where I feel at peace where I feel So happy!

Thanks to Kaarina who has been our girls' cell group Bible study leader. She has taught me so much so much. She hugged me with great strength, she's very kind and has taught me a lot about the Bible.
Because of her caring, warmth and kindness, (the attention that she has given me as if I'm one of the most special person in this world) I become able to love and support others around me, including my family.

Ah Yum - she led me to know Jesus in person :)

Today is the second time attending chapel in the seminary. I don't know why I cry every single time when Colin started singing. Was I moved? Yes, I think so....I have no word for what I felt in the heart when he sang, or when he led us to Praise the Lord. I was moved.

Praise the Father, Praise the Son

Yes, like our student president said - Live the dance with Father, Son and HS - Perichoresis

In the next three years, I'll have to learn to be focus, really Focus and live the dance. I'm glad that I'm in the community of Faith where we'll all support, affirm and strength one another. There is a lot of course work to do, and I'll have to plan wisely with one focus, one passion - to Love Christ Jesus my Lord, with all my heart, my soul, my mind, and with all my strength.

Professors have done a good job doing their best teaching me.

I'll have to learn to teach well, to all my piano students; and also to live well, to grow in knowledge and in character so that others will know that my choice of studying is not random, so that others may know Christ Jesus.

Father Lord, help me and guide me. Don't let go.

(1st week of School after the orientation)