Friday, August 20, 2010

Lesson with David Swan (Dufferin & Bloor)


be light on the left hand (made me aware of what it mean in Ephesians 6 - the armour of God - what it meant by "the Gospel of Peace should be light and not heavy")

should sound like lift up rather than pressing down

don't swim against the current (accent on places only indicated)

made me aware of the truth.....and the application of it...

sometimes, I still wonder what's that that's lacking...that's holding me back from playing the original interpretation of the musical piece....

is it practice? or something else??

...learning more about the truth...

my teacher does seem to me that He know the truth....

The truth of the Bible.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Regine’s Insight after the trip to Nova Scotia and PEI, NB and Quebec – to live a more structured life (with tasks prioritized, with result achieved, and live according to planned schedule / time frame – be punctual)

fresh and good

My mind is all refreshed, and I'm feeling great after the trip!

I think I Really love the Maritimes provinces and Quebec city! I wish I could understand why and discern the reason for that....but...I don't know, I just feel really lively, and spirit filled being surrounded by the people there....or maybe I love river and ocean a lot too!!

Summer nights in Quebec city were reminded me of the time studying at Laval. I really should work on my French again!! just so that I can have the ability to communicate with them locally! :)

Gotta learn mandarin and french :)

I guess I really love being around with people...........The people on the tour and people in the Maritime provinces and Quebec make me feel SO happy and lively!

They really show me how summer could be!!

Now back to the reality........
let's get some work done....and interview tmw....and planning for retreat the day after....

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lovely trip to PEI, NS, NB and Quebec

God's way always always work.

How awesome our trip is...everything is almost perfect. I love the people on the tour too!

Thanks Lord, you fix the provide show me new things that I should be aware of........You solve the problem for real, and in a very short time.

It's so different from how I'd drag...but still wasn't able to solve anything.

You're awesome, and Your ways, Always work.