Thursday, October 29, 2009

In shape - keeping a sense of lightness will help propel you forward

After lesson with David:

Prelude and Fugue in C#+ - Bach WTC I
Keeping a sense of lightness will help propel you forward
Count in group of 4, not 8!!
you're getting slower and slower 'cause you're trying to hold on to all the notes.
Throw them away :) Don't hold on to things
The Fugue part needs to sound a little cocky, or it'll lose it's character. =)
Do not violate the character of the piece - character of the piece, you tell by common sense

Schumann - Fantasy
The wrist movements help to keep up the speed, less fingers plucking

Obey the change of harmony
and the harmonic rhythm, it will make playing Much easier.

I think these golden rules apply to many areas in life too.

David says, it's all combined, you do one thing right...everything will be right.
If I set my heart right...all behavious, mentality will also be right!! :)

Living my name ...

{ahav} a verb. the root of it means Action =)


Doing Artsy things with friends make me feel relax and feel at home:

Regine.grace: purple sheets of loveliness <3 singing&dancing, ballet, craft, acting (ppl's confidence/sensitivity), u guys, BBS

Thanks Kaarina and our girl's group for having our once a month BBS last Sunday, I feel so encouraged and uplift by His word and our bonding.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Inspiration from Piano classes

Today ... after work
I'm glad to meet So many new friends since I started working at Rogers. Taking the bus to Mississauga ... all the new friends that I made taking buses, all the things you girls share with's my privilege to hear all that you shared with me =)

Last Thursday ...
Regine Leung
David described the counterpoint in Hindemith's sonata #2 as the "density of thoughts" so rather than, the dynamic ... it's the "density of thoughts" (when 2 or more melodies that are harmonically interdependent playing together) that make the music exciting... --> when things get along enriching one another…when things are logical and make sense =) … the density …

2 Thursday ago ...

Regine: diff. voices in a fugue, clear, easy to understand, meaningful, consistent, unify & logical =) .sound never heard

Grace - Thank u Teacher - natural response as a result of doing right things, right - "The integration of head, heart and hands."