Sunday, April 19, 2009

eyes sparkle and shine (harmony class with Peter)

Regine (stitches) to be considerate, to help reduce pain, be careful & continue to believe - YES!

a busy busy week...but... will post later :)


Cath - vibrantly alive - vital lifeline

Friday, April 10, 2009


my commitment to my teacher to express my gratitude =)

if 3, 4 hours a day if I can afford..

(sooo totally surely Not!! But I'll try ^_^ with joy!!)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

i love u

when I am completely swamped or overloaded, help will come. I cannot be more thankful for Emily Y. and Teresa for their time & initiative in helping out children worship today. My pearls, my angels ... I will remember this ~ prayers ~ Friends at DMBC, teachers at DMBC, my teachers, my co-workers I am really thankful that you're all in my life.

my two weeks straight.....
I love everything that I get to do, but I was so swamped that I cannot pause to enjoy what I am doing ... other than times when I'm taking lessons, and learning...

cell group
harmony 5
teach piano
children worship
practice mandi's music
cell group
harmony 5
teach piano
practice ah la's music
children worship
practice mandi's music

I'm so exhausted right now, I really need to rest & sleep.

p.s. Horace dressed up especially for the kids today for today was the first time he taught them during worship time. How admirable, and how much respect that he has given the kids ... I want to always remember this.

p.s.s. Chester's Sunday school (Sermon on the mount ch. 7) ... Patience - sometime means to listen to other carefully / Pearls (not throwing my treasures found to others) ... I'm not going to take my found treasures lightly ...

with lots of love.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


piano class with David today

of course I didn't have time to practice for the past 2 weeks ... have been reluctant to cancel my piano class 'tho ... and so I went & started looking forward to class since waking up in the morning ... well :)

Today is such a beautifully warm day ...
a gentle breeze ...
and the sun shining the way ...

travelling on the bus, winding down ... I appreciate so much of this time ... aside from looking at different passengers I get to meet everyday ... and staring into the sky ... I thought of you!! =)

... in tune ... when there is light & a gentle breeze ... I see & I hear
(of course it won't be one single thing that helps to keep myself in tune, I thought of so many of you ... at church, in piano classes, at work, my family, my trip to ch.)

Glad to have went to class today ...

Etude by Chopin, when a major key fills the soprano and a minor key fills in the bass in one passage ... the struggles and the sufferings that make it real and many many more things David said when he told me about playing this piece ...

guess you really have to do it ... or experience it in order to understand.

it's more than words, feelings, or cognitive thinking...when all 3 are in is so spontaneous...

very natural!

It's a blessing ... seize the time, when I still have the opportunity to ...


Today's devotion April 7 Oswald Chambers

Why are we not told plainly?
Mark 9:9 "He charged them that they should tell no man what things they had seen, till the Son of man were risen from the dead."

"say nothing until the Son of man is risen in you - until the life of the risen Christ so dominates you that you understand what the historic Christ taught."

...May your light shines into my I can understand...

last week Harmony 5 with Peter - how much does music and harmony resonate with the truth in life? :)

in tune "move by steps when u need to change to another key - a smooth progression" - music harmony

Don't let the melody runs past the tonic of the key ... it is important to identify which key the music is in

3 weeks ago - lesson with David

if you haven't already won competition at the age of 17, it's already too late to become a solo pianist ...
this totally reminded me of the importance of time ...

seize the time, while I still have the opportunity to live out my dream ... and be who you wanted me to be ^__^