Sunday, July 20, 2008

figuring out the chords for songs

working on "light the passion, share the dream"

I was really annoyed earlier....coz somehow it's hard to figure out the chords, too much changing of keys, and transition!

But, in will always always always ALWAYS find the perfect harmony! (although it does take me some time!)

how strange?? the counterpoint and harmony?? There is always a perfect match and rhyme...if not, a new combination can bring the acoustic sensation to a new level. (like Hindemith)

I hope the same thing happen in the real world...

always being able to find the best fit, exactly what you most needed!!!!

~* - Finding the match for Carolyn Tam

Thursday, July 17, 2008

lesson with David Swan - Music

in one concentrated hour - one can accomplish much
Really enjoy those moments - very communicative - the brain is exercising - He is teaching


He said, "the best pianist (like violinist) doesn't necessarily shoot at the right notes, but they....adapt the best; therefore, our hands shouldn't be like moulded clay, rather, like mud that can be moulded, that could flexibly respond to the music passage, and do / play what's articulated (the blue print)" -- Adaptation vs. flexibility (my attitude to-be when I'm on the mission trip for there could be many changes, and I have to adapt to a new culture, people and environment.)

He said, "it's a mental thing, if you belief you can do the leap (jumping between big chords on the keyboard, we call those snaps - on Hindemith Sonata No. 2) you can do it." -- Belief, are you talking about believing? A test to my faith - there are always so much uncertainties during preparation, but things seems they will always sort out - thanks Lord! `

"slowly you can do that (we are talking about playing different rhythmic pattern between the hands) - practice independence of hands - I have to practice clapping, and do it so naturally until I don't have to think about it anymore.

...But you don't push yourself like you will achieve it overnight, it comes with time" - David can tell that I am quite impatient with myself, but it is so true, nothing comes overnight - my attitude, my behaviour, my habits, I can always fall back to my old habits unless I practice them over and over again.

"time will fix everything" - He sees that I can do it, even though, I still have a couple of pieces that are far from ready

"simplify your fingerings - play as well as you're doing now, lively, but not like hyper-active (haha!) reduce some fingers movement. As long as you hit the tone, you don't have to try as hard!" =) relax - don't push yourself

"the best sound comes when you play them at ease, there shouldn't be any hard attempt. =) If you try hard enough, the sound may come out fairly good; but playing in an awkward posture, the sound produced will not be at its best. When you play comfortably and the sound comes out nicely, it's the best."

"my performance (piano) can make my arguments valid, or fall apart."

I'm so glad to have David as my teacher ... He's always at ease, always humourous. Even though I sort of try to put his words in quotation, but he says it in a much nicer, and more eloquent way, which I cannot regurgitate.

Trust me, having lesson with him is much much more fun than how I write it in this tiny paragraph. In his mannerism, he shows me what is maturity (as a person, as a performer). Because of how he Really is as a person, he makes his message of being a Christian very convincing. I think he has the Word penetrate all through him ^_^

Working on:

Bach - WTC Prelude and Fugue in C# major (Status: 45%)
Haydn - Sonata in E-flat major (50%)
Chopin - Fantasy Impromptu (35%)
Rachmaninoff - Prelude in D major (50%)
Hindemith - Sonata No. 2 (20%)
Chopin - Etude Op. 10 No. 3 (50%)

When I am back for the summer, if I do not have these pieces memorized, I will not be able to get any further than where I am at now! Cya again, in September!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

愛很簡單 - 陶喆

Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. (Galatians 5:22)

It is called "the joy of the Holy Spirit". (1 Thessalonians 1:6)

It is the work of God: "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace". (Romans 15:13)

Joy in God is awakened in the heart when God graciously opens our eyes to see the glory of Christ in the Gospel. (2 Corinthians 4:4)

Nevertheles, even though joy in God is ultimately a gift of God, he uses means to bring people into the fullness of it. Paul described his whole ministry as laboring for the joy of others.

~ quoted from John Piper "Don't waste your life" p. 103


I smile when I feel glad. I'm happy to receive the food, candies, prayer support and spiritual nurturing. Me, I'm a poor one who cannot afford luxury =) , but yeah, so now I see real nice stuff!!! hee hee :) I feel so undeserved, but thank you!

I'm glad your generosity helps me to become a better person.

I smile, but many times, I feel like crying!
Many times, when a preacher preaches the Word, I am touched.

When I see people, I am touched.

We're people who're challenged to open up, we're challenged to love Christ, pray and in turn to love others. We are called to have self-control and to recreate. ...Life and the ability to reproduce...

How many moments that I am speechless, but just know that it is Love . steady . stable . warm . quiet . freely given . freely received . heartache . Joy . If . it is love . it will always be there.

the gentle spirit & actions speak louder than words ...

I met a kind korean hair dresser on Friday
My piano teacher David Swan
My former finance manager - John Yip
OMF workers and missionaries I met at the guest house

And every name that sits in the deep deep corner of my heart too embarrassed to reveal, but each of you speaks a part of it, and together become one picture of the convincing truth by living and being who you are. You impacted me. (are you...reading this now?)

lately, I'm really confused about the preparation for my trip coming up.

It's so exciting, but with so much uncertainties.
What am I supposed to do? Is this an exam?

preparing and writing little songs for kids are so much fun, I'm glad that we're called to do something that we're excited about ... rather than dragging to do it.

I'm really confused too, thinking about upcoming September, should I continue with PSY or go back to Business? Pastor Eric talked about "shadowed missions and God-given missions" today. Do we spend 95% of the time thinking, caring about the people we want to serve? Or do we do something hoping to gain financial status and respect from people? What should I do? Do I really care about serving people?

In the quiet moments, I remember how I love you. Moments when there're tears of joy and when my heart is shaken ...

... I will follow that simple spark to explore my path. It's more pure and genuine ... it's simpler.

. love .

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Hindemith Piano Sonata No.2

bring ears to new places different from the usual sensation